wow account

I'm searching a wow account for free, like you have test the game and you don't like it and you will not play in it..

If you have one can you pv me, thanks in advance !

ps: with saison2 it can be cool ! ^^
Right. u can have mine for 300£
just play on a private server there are thousands of them
WoW is about endgame pve, private realms do NOT offer endgame PVE.

PVP is a gimmick in WoW
sure they do (not all of them, you need some buddys an a bit luck to find a group) , but its simply not that exciting if you havent earned your way to get there
NO, NO and again NO. Private servers have NO idea how all the abilities work, they have to code them theirselves thus resulting in totally different encounters because they have to guess how everything works. Private servers can come close to original WoW but wont ever be the same, thus youre not experiencing WoW.

WoW = 10k people on a server, not a measly 500
Perhaps you were on some shitty servers, some of them are really good and everything worked fine (exept of the hundreds of crashes and the pet system) but all in all your right and the normal game is a better choice
once i had a link relative to the wow's cracked server but unluckly i lost it with my last format, don't you have one resuming to way to crack the game and how to find decent cracked servers ? i'hv never been really interessed at such a game but if millions of ppl play it there be something interessing init (atleast i guess so :P)
Parent and you dont have to crack anything! You just have to have the version of the game the sever runs and change your realmlist, thats it
thanks, looks like the perfect site for this kind of buis

edit: don't you know the same kind of website for the mmorpg version of final fantasy (12 i guess) ?
When it comes down to it.

Private Realm = Free
Real WoW = 10 Euros a month

You get what you pay for. :/
ask [pls delete my nickname pl0x]
I'm searching after an account with a player with some lvl ! ^^
thanks for narrowing it down
even if someone gives you his own account you'll have to pay each month to keep it alive so better go on blizzard's webby and buy yours ..
but i don't want to buy burning crussade and stuff..
i don't know how much cost this expention but i doubt anyone would give it away for free (even more since if he bought a expention pack he prolly like the game itself) atleast propose something to trade against, another game's key or something like that
So basically you want someone to give you their whole wow account for free whilst they still pay for it?

you really think someone will give you an account? fuck, you're just stupid.
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