i'm screwed

Ok. I have english test in 1 hour , I didn't learn , cause it's too boring. I hope the test won't be to hard.

Pls pray for meh !
time for BiO, not for learning heh? :p
xD well i was playing on Bio and i said to myself: " I can paly till 11.00 then I'm gonna study" I went to my bed ( I usually study in bed ) and I took my word book , then i fell asleep. :XD
same old story everytime! :)

edit: brb dinner !
gl lol ^^

my schoolday today :

1st + 2nd lesson = chemistry exam ( was difficult omfg)
15 minutes break
3rd lesson = german
4th lesson = french ( sucked hard like always )
20 minutes break
5th lesson = free
6th lesson = free
7th lesson = free
8th lesson = free
9th lesson = Informatik ( pc stuff at school )

omfg i have to go to school at 14:45 >.<
9 lessons? wtf
we can take like 10 lessons on a day and one lesson is 1:15h long :-d
I used to have 5 lessons :s
nice one studying random languages
lucky basted i got college from 16;00-18;00 , talking about bad collegetimes :x
just write i has a bucket on every line and you will surely win
youre gonna get banned from fayntic vent ! muaha
i have freeeeee & tmw to

dynastyday or something
english isn't hard, you can spam the whole day in english so why not make a test in english?
cheat man cheat
English isn't that hard , the only thing I hate to do in english Is writting an letter :( .
a letter * :)

tr00 , it's hard !
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