is ETQW slacking

it seems the game's growth is alrdy slowing coz its being drowned by cod4

just me or?
CoD4 is just better then et:qw imo and you need a less good com for cod
and cod4 have better gfx :D
agree, but I have low--- graphics config :D
me too.. low graphics for paly.. high graphics for movies :D
don't forget the fact that etqw just sucks
et > all :D
ohh was gayt? xD
nix und bei dich ?
The problem with ETQW is, that it is not possible to play competivly out of the box. I hope with the SDK it finally will be possible to play a scrim without checking all rules before the game starts.
Such an overrated statement, the only thing really lacking were vehicle / class / turret / weapon limits, but when clans follow the rules this should hardly be an issue. SplashDamage is already looking into these features as well as OSP commands and a lot of other suggestions made by the competitive community.

ET:QW includes many competitive features like map scripts, admin system, stats dumping, ready up before start, options to disable certain votes, disable XP upgrades, sticky charge, etc. Though there is still a lot of work to be done its definitely not valid to say ET:QW can't be played as a competitive game out of the box.
come on... a game like ETQW without pause function. I watched the Multiplay i32 final. They had to restart the map because Senji had connection problems during the game. I think most maps are just to big, even the maps without vehicles. It takes ages on Salvage to reach the final objective. Reminds me of Fueldump in its original version.

I just started playing some 4on4, and it always took almost 5 minutes till the teams came to an agreement regarding the rules, whether mines were allowed, supply crates etc.

ETQW can be a great game, but it's just not controlable enough atm. But I really hope that will change with the next patch/the SDK.
While I agree a pause function is very, very welcome, a pause function is a luxery we had with W:ET and RTCW, other popular competitive games like CS, CSS and CoD2 lack this function. I can understand why SplashDamage have not added it out of the box and I can easily forgive them once they add it.
then again ET(QW) isn't roundbased and can really do with a pausefunction
Think like ET:QW was a good wine, it needs time to ripe. Think CoD4 as instant soup, easy cooking at a high prize (which is a very small learning curve).
Or we could think of ET:QW as a smelly cheese which is only going to get more pungent and mouldy as time goes on.

If you think ET:QW is better out-of-the-box then you're totally delusional. Your ET:QW fanboyism is completely unfounded - the game is trash.

What I find amusing is that one of the SD developers often tells of his clan experience back in the QuakeWorld days, as if to suggest that he knows something about competitive gaming - then SD crap out ET and ET:QW, both highly public-oriented.

PS. Why did you delete overdrive's comment?
I am wrong because you think different, gtfo please.

PS. overdrive's post contained no arguments whatsoever, neither did it contribute to the discussion. I don't like blind trolls.
'You have your opinion and I have mine' is very weak argumentation. You're wrong because you're wrong. ET:QW offers nothing it's predecessors don't have already - how you fail to acknowledge that the game is completely targeted at pubbers is beyond me. Whereas CoD4 on the other hand, I'd argue, progresses the gameplay of the previous CoD versions. Not to mention the fact that it's more playable out-of-the-box.The fact the SD have churned out a game with far better graphics than ET, but far worse hit registration and netcode shows me that they've been working on the wrong aspect of their game for all of these years.

Also, I don't see why you saw fit to delete his comment, what he said was akin to 'your infatuation with ET:QW is blind' - which I'd have to agree with. If you think that's worthy of deleting I invite you to check out the mountains of mindless spam on this site, which should have priority.
I don't see why I had to add any arguments seeing you didn't state any either. ET:QW offers asymmetrical teams, vehicles, deployables, which have a huge influence on the way ET:QW is played, yet you say ET:QW offers nothing its predecessors don't have? The amount of new things in ET:QW is what scares away most ET players in the first place.
The point is that it doesnt matter how good the game is, you somehow decided its a good game, and you never ever made any good arguement why it is. You always say it will be better future.


put short: Even if the game had no hitboxes you would have liked it.
I never felt the need to explain why I think ET:QW is a good game, but seeing you are pushing so much for it I'd give it a chance. ET:QW is awesome because a team needs both great teamwork and good aim to win (and in clanwars complex tactics), but best of all, there is much chance for a player to grow and evolve, build an own playing style and the likes, like winghaven was famous for his actions with the panzerfaust in W:ET. Next to that ET:QW shines in map design, and has developers who do not seem to be "higher" than the ones playing their own games.
qw is shit , leagues will start realising that Splashdamage just pumps in some money in the beginning to make it big , it will fail just like bf
CoD4 sucks, only reason ppl like it cuz evryone owns @ CoD4. its just another CSS with less skill.
ETQW ????(demo sucked) still cant get a fucking key, even tho evryone spams how it sucks (which means they must have full game to know) and they will never play it again but no one wants to trade.
It's because the COD4 engine is better in general and out of the box COD4 is way better than ETQW.
Etqw is really good as competitive game, just wait the after-hype of CoD4, it's a nice game too and everybody is playing it maybe because they have a good level and they were a bit disappointed by etqw and the support behind cod4 is bigger, but they are all blind and i hope a lot of people will help etqw to be at the place it has to be in competition.
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