[Friipanel] Game server admin


I've made an administration panel for game servers (remote or local) for linux.
It s called Friipanel and totaly free.

Project page : http://project.muse-gaming.org/

Features :
Friipanel is a free web-control panel for your game server based on libssh2, php and ftp.
- Start / Restart / stop your game server
- Edit server.cfg
- Edit start script
- Multiserver support
- Show game server status, name, map, players... (based on phgstats)
- Show information about remote server (CPU usage, load average, memory)
- Multi-language (English & French)

More info on project page.


nice gonna check it out in a moment
seems nice, news worthy imo!
i just posted it
nice work! gonna check it out
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