ET Skill-Time Paradox

Yea cool journal name or what?

Anyway just noticed recently as I haven't been playing much ET because of work, when I come back first day I play, after about a week or so my aim and stuff is really nice, but if i keep playing (each night) it gets shittier and shittier but again if I take a brake for a few days same thing decent skill level again..

This ever happen to anyone else?

I think its weird anywho
you have an hax trial or smth for some days?
Yep same here (Mostly i have 20% more acc. if i play after a break)
You have good days + bad days I guess, quite normal :)
yep, sometimes a break can do good!!
Same for me. On the first day i play ET again, i rly rly rly want to play it + enjoy it, thats why you play better.
Thats what I was thinking to.. is it that I just don't enjoy playing ET but play it anyway cause im bored or whatever then get annoyed when I play shitty :\
yup, you will always play bad if you dont want to play - getting forced by clanmembers for example, or if you dont enjoy the game (having fun). I am also play bad if i am rly tired, playing after I worked or something...
What the hell? :D Is that real?
i think so =X
its alot of warts, its a kinda like a "disease", it was on discovery channel today =D

Hes part of a circus, you should see his circus buddeys LOLOLOLOL :d
never made a break :<
I was a pubnub @ Bf2, stopped playing for 9 months, came back to it and I was like... Med+ xD
because meanwhile all the good players stopped playing bf2 :P
Tru, but I was a lot better @ Bf2 when I started again. :D
I disagree, I knew quite a few players who sucked their first match and later on in the day, they played amazing.
I personally find that my aim is frequently better when I come back after not playing for a while, but my teamplay and game sense is completely gone.
same here...
did you ever had gamesense :P, joke still love you :P
but U suck, and i'm not joking! :D

mby it just feels like you were getting 3hs a kill, you play better than you expected (after break you expect yourself not to hit anywhere but you still win some duels)?
same here...
Motivation! When you play after a break you're enjoying it more so you have better concentration. Similar (if not the same) to the placebo effect you get from changing sens etc.
Maybe this explains why you have no skill
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