smart rpg game


looking for a smart spg kinda thing,

something with puzzles i can fix in 30 minutes,

not like myst where i have to play for four hours to find out the giant mountain _is_ actually the elevator, or any bs like that.

reference: full throttle, monkey island, loom?
or portal like, cantplay bonus maps ;-x

gets harder the further youve come, your progress is saved if you leave and come back
how many lvls are there?
there are some pretty tough levels ;)
ok im done :D

fucking hard, but fun : p
i'm stuck @ 16 :(
which game? i just get the the main page with that link
nice game, bookmarked for when i hit a fullserver :}
Planescape: Torment! Not really puzzles, its on a much higher level.
Those games you listed aren't RPGs, but you should try out Planescape: Torment. It's probably the best game ever made.

Could be hard getting it by legal means, however.
wikipedia mentioned it as a cult classic, didnt even know cult existed in the gaming world,

looks great! thanks a lot
Sam and max!
LucasArts/SCUMM: Beneath A Steel Sky, Day Of The Tentacle, Flight Of The Amazon Queen, Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade, Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis, Sam & Max, Simon The Sorcerer I & II, The Dig, Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders

Sierra: King's Quest, Laura Bow, Leisure Suit Larry, Police Quest, Quest For Glory (Hero's Quest) and Space Quest series (and if you like puzzles you surely want to try The Castle Of Dr. Brain & The Island Of Dr. Brain)

Other: Gobliiins 1, Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, Legend Of Kyrandia Trilogy

And heaven is right, these games are called 'adventure games' instead of RPGs.
try safecracker
The longest journey...
bestadventrure game i hav EVER played.. the story is rly good, the two worlds have nice atmosphere etc. :)
its pretty old now, but i played it like month ago and i was enjoying it... anz puzzles are good there too ;)
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