XP vs Vista! (Linux?)

Hi I'm gonna reinstall my computer today and I'm in wondering if I'm gonna have vista or xp on my system.
I most use my computer for movie making and gaming so whats best(fastest and stablest) 64 bits Vista or 32bits xp i heard that vista is bad when you handle codec's. dose there exist any movie making programs on Linux?
And yes my English is bad but i hope i people can understand me unlike those random polish dudes (me whant pro 125 fps now) =D
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windows xp
XP > vista for a few (years?) months
linux movie orientated apps:

avidemux (virtualdub clone)
blender (models/animation...)

anyway, xp > vista, by a longshot

linux is an... "aquired taste"
xp if you want performance
yes im going for the performance i don't what to w8 like 1h when im redering a movie just cuz it looks nice
nope, linux if u want performance
Not if you actually want to play/work instead of setting up your O/S. Afaik linux has better openGL support, but no ventrilo and tbfh its a bitch compared to the noob plug and play of XP.
I disagree.
Linux has Vent.
Do you've got Linux ?
no, i'm just a wnb
So why do u start talking :D ?
You can use Vent via Wine ;)
i was j/k. i got linux and i know that you can run vent on linux but what you wrote is bullshit :x
Which of my words are bullshit?
Expect for those I already statted as wrong.
No, only trough wine which means you need a hardware mixer. As I said before if you want to plug and play with good performance: XP

If you dont mind spending hours on your o/s linux is your pick.
what a question
vista, cause no1 said so yet (tho xp is better)
System ?

Beter movie maker on vista

I think rather the 64 bits have bad codecs

Np with my vista codecs
your movies are bullcrap, maybe thats the reason.
no offense.
made on xp thats why ^^

and im to impatient for moviemaking
Linux > XP > Vista
if u are only user-skilled on computers then
XP>Linux for you..
If you have a nice PC then go for vista, it looks better.

But choose 32bit. I chose 64 and regret it because it sometimes lacks good drivers.
vista looks awful

fluxbox / blackbox > any desktop enviroment on any OS
Vista sux atm.
It's justl ike XP.
You gotta wait several years till there's a bit security.
It's still babyVista and gotta grow up.

XP is a bit secured now after all those updates and stuff.
Take XP now and let the Noobs take Vista to find out all those bugs.
O RLY? Show me 3 unpatched vista exploits then or shut up with your bullshit.
Who's talking about patches ?
You're speechless now, aren't ya ? :P
i'm sure you have better things to do than flame like a fucked up nerd

or you are a....
nice deleting skills
mister, you are telling the bullshit now.
just installed vista and use xp through VM ware
longer loading/render times? 32 or 64bits? Adobe AE and vegas and megui support 64?
only installed the 32bit version and havent had any probs installing vegas megui afx.
longer loading/render times? how is the performance?
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