'bout fucking time.

Stargate Atlantis & Stargate SG-1

282 episodes. (283 tonight!)

That comes to almost 200 hours of watching time... equivilant of more than 8 days of non-stop watching...

Well, this was certainly the geekist few weeks of my life.

Now I'm bored though, so I need a new series.

Farscape? Eureka? Veronica Mars?
willies en marjette
Eureka is fucking awsome !
the shield, sur ecoute (dunno the english name, "on air" maybe)
done that some time ago ;)
the last two seasons stargate sg-1 sucked imo
Mmm. I didn't really like the Ori, but there were some brilliant episodes in there, eg The Pegasus Project.

Mission to save the galaxy and McKay goes to get a sandwich. Damn I love that guy.

Ah well, at least there is still Atlantis! :D
Well, I just liked the idea of travelling through space, exploring new worlds etc. I've been watching Stargate since it came out, and really enjoyed the first seasons. It was not even a good series (storywise) and there were some huge logical mistakes in it. But the ambience and the original characters were really great ;)
Imo the characters in SG:A are too absurd, and that's what I didn't like about the last seasons of SG1 (that fucking Vala bitch, Teal'c running around with one biiiiiiig MG in each hand shooting from the hip...)
If you look at the first season, there were even tits im SG ;D (Sha're before she became a Goa'uld) If the series had been a bit darker, harder with more sex & violence it would have been perfect.
On the other hand "Wormhole extreme" and "200" were really funny episodes :D
Yup, I know what you mean.

But McKay is still my hero :D

edit: if they had like... early season characters/writing mixed with the technology added in the later seasons (eg prometheus, deadalus it would be damned good...
you are too sexy to be geeky
crossfire is populated entirely by geeks! it's just not really an insult anymore
Watch Desperate Housewives or something...
Heroes > all
Already watching it!

Last two episodes were good, seems to be getting good again, unlike the start of season 2!
Veronica mars <3
Battlestar Galactica
As i said before Andromeda!
firefly is also awesome as is eureka
You kidding? Firefly is the shit!

I almost went to Milton Keynes just to meet Jewel Staite :P
hell yes it is the shit! thats what i said lol
and jewel staite is so dam hot! so glad shes in atlantis now =D last ep was pretty good no?
Only because it featured a lot of Jewel!

I dunno... I haven't been liking Atlantis THAT much in S4... I hope they get over the whole "team bonding" thing and then they start kicking ass with cool technology...

Season 10 SG-1 was totally saved by McKay on the Pegasus Project, and Vala
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