What are you up to today?

So what are you going to do?
My day will be as following:

Breakfast in few mins (9:30)
Changing clothes for football around 12 o'clock
Goin to football club around 12:45
playing a football match at 13:30
probably comin home at 16
making some homework
eventually go out to a friend and watch a movie (till?)

then go to sleep, and tomorrow at 14:00 im goin to zeh sinterklaas, to chase some "zwarte pieten" for "pepernoten" and "taaitaaai"

(all delicious food/candy)

Read crossfire till 11:00
lunch from 11:00 until 12:00
walk through Barcelona from 12:00 until 19:00
eat from 19:00 to 20:00
after that unsure
so you're in barcelona? What for?

(Great city, I've been there. Shopping on da ramblas ownz!)
vacation ofcourse :)
Have you got vacation? wtf?:!?O

Welke vakantie is dat dan? [dutch]
my sister works here, thus my parents are visiting here for a week, and I can travel with them (for free of course). most of my college work can be done at home seeing the subjects aren't that fascinating yet (sql database applications & game development in java)
Must be some interesting education =]
Have fun at barca! Whats the weather like anyway?
Well, its pretty cold outside actually :<
Hah. Went to prague a few days ago with the hope to have a little bit better weather than the weather was like in Holland, but we actually were in snow stormz :D
Im eating spagetti, and ill go to gym, finally an arm workout, biceps and triceps.
And then eat, eat and maybe eat, and then probably eat.
And sleep at afternoon.
i got kicked out of a club so i feel like shit, probably gonna play some pub and then the cup, then dno, some smokes and gonna try that club thingie later tonight again.
probably gonna sit here all day! -30 in the morning, now only -26 but still 2cold2getmeout :P

sleeping is an option too, oh and gonna eat waffles soon! my personal servant aka grandmum is making em!
whta the fakk, you live near to the North Point :o)
wow that's very cold :-(
lol -30°? wtf! i think we can be happy with only -10°...and we only have -10° when it gets rly cold! atm we have like at least 3°
eeek, hf today <3
santa is your granddad?
its very nice you have your own schedule for the day...
shows you are a serious man.
internet, serius buisness
tommorow i will have a great day :D
13:00 -> eating lunch
15:30 -> going gym
17:00 -> back from gym, eating another meal and showering
18:00-23:00 playing gw np
now-13:00 sitting on the pc
13:00 lunch
14:00 pc again
~15:00 going to the city to buy one cool thing
18:00 back to home, taking a shower and going to a school event
20:00 back to home again, dinner
21:00-02:00 doing c00l stuff with friends

probably around that
i got no real plan today but i will meet a girl 14:00 at the cinema in the city

good luck, and ehh

dont be silly put a condom on your willy

in few seconds - taking a shower
after that - eat breakfast
11:00 - random stuff (crossfire or playing guitar)
13:00 - lunch
14:00 - study with some friends for the physics test next monday :S
16:00 - playing guitar in my little "band" (rehearsal = "probe"?)
19:00 - ? unsure
playing games and messing around till 16:00 than party time
attempting to save my arts mark all day probably, need to get ps cs3 working for that :/
If you have problems with installing ps cs3 and you had cs2 previously, first un-install cs2 because a illegal version over an other illegal version doesnt work or smth (had the same prob)
its not that, i now know what the problem is
I go skiing!
HAHA G33ks we have snow already!
2. EAT
3. ????
Im gonna recover from my hangover :<
No football for you today??
I will go paly but I guess I will puke first :D
nice fake real life !
10.00 am - Woke Up
10.am - 10.24 - showered
10.30 - 11am - ET/other games / music /pc etc
11am - 12pm - Haircut
2pm - meet up with mates for xbox gaming :o
5pm - watching scotland game at mates house
7pm- Dinner
7.30 - 1am - movie/pc/etc
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