CFG! question

Hi guys, hi crossfire,

does anybody knows the Command to show "you killed xyz" for my cfg?
cg_centertime 5
doesn't work ;-(
...and i havent any text in the left corner from my monitor for example

"xyz killed himself" or "xyz was killed by xyz's MP40"

help plz
/cg_draw2d "1"
seta cg_drawNotifyText "1"

dunno just posting some things what might work
bind k "cg_draw2d 0; timescale 1; camera intro"

wtf so it is in miy cfg oO
set it to 1 and it should work :)
i delete this line and make a new line with: cg_draw2d "1" than it must work i think
k is all working now but which command i must set that i dont see the name and line with hp of teammates when iam on them with my crosshair?
/cg_crosshairdrawnames 0 or sth

just /cg_crosshair and press tab

btw sorry for late respond i was banned :D
in et? cg_centertime I think
got a Q 2:

how can i silence the sound of CP ?
you can't.
If you remove the soundfile from the pk3, you will be kicked for a wrong md5 sum
which command i must set that i dont see the name and line with hp of teammates when iam on them with my crosshair?
secondx on 17/11/07, 15:12:49 Del | Edit | Reply

seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"

when its 1 and you aim on your mate, you seee name, when its 0 and you aim on your mate you don't see the name ^^
thx is working ;-)

but one question again which command, that it dont show me the window if i lagging or not on the ride side of the monitor?
cg_drawlagOmeter "1"
seta cg_drawlagOmeter "0"

i but this in the cfg but the lagometer is always there
bind mouse1 "quit"
one question again which command, that it dont show me the window if i lagging or not on the ride side of the monitor?

cg_drawlagOmeter "0" doesnt work...
seta cg_lagometer "0"
sorry my bad. It was just out of my head :D
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