Call of duty 4 :~>

just finished the game :O

very short game but what can I say, it was amazing !

but what was a little sux is the amount of enemy :<
in cod1-2 we fought in a war so it was ok to fight against lots of enemy's but in cod4 we play as a small team so how the fuck we fight against 100000000000 enemy's :SSS

bibuy :(
[ ]easy - [ ]medium - [ ]hard?
You had problems on regular? Shame on you!
Fuck, I thought you were the author of this journal :P

Anyway, try veteran, regular's way too easy.
well in this ga(y)me u are a special forces soldier so it is more easier to fight against a lot of enemies, cod 1-2 u were just simply private
6 against 1000000

even if you are rambo you cant win so many :<
gay ppl cant aim very well :<
descrimination sucks =[
why you are not into women? :<
they have big boobies and that scares me ='[
maybe a mission where u have to eliminate al-asad? (i dont rly remember his name) is kinda weird, but anothere were nice for me
The one with the nuke going KABOOM? :P
was about to write that :D
i was thinking about the one in some village or smth (couple of houses and u had to eliminate all) but this one was funny too :P but i liked the nuke part, first time in such a game imo
It's a fictional storyline, it would be boring if each mission involved killing like 4 people.
thats the point...
and thats why your team mates cannot die :O
Remember Mogadishu 1993?
QuoteAlthough the mission was successful, five American army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters were shot down during the battle (two in the city [Durant's "Super 64" and Wolcot's "Super 61"] and 3 at a safe area), causing about 100 United States Army Rangers and Delta Force operators to be pinned down in the city, trying to rescue survivors and recover the dead. In this Battle of Mogadishu, the Somalis killed 18, one soldier three days later in a mortar strike and 1 Malaysian soldier and injured several dozen. Estimates put the number of Somali casualties at 500-1000 militia and civilians dead and 3000-4000 injured.
black hawk down :I

but in this case im right cuz in the game your friends cannot die, and they getting shot every secend !

and there is a war hero in israel which he and more 6 tanks destroyed more then 100+tanks of the enemy :O)
And you realy believe that?
Have you heard about the tall tale where an iraki farmer shot down an american F-16 Jet with a single bullet from his old rifle he usually hunt rabbits with?
Have you heard about the tall tale where a single russian tank squad took out over 500 german tanks during WWII even though most russian tanks was less advanced on every front concerning tank technology?

Maybe you should try to think a bit by yourself instead of shooting up every piece of crap your government has to offer.
:/ this is history fact...
And hitler was a realy good guy.
his actions proved you are wrong.
Plz, he was a vegetarian.
obviously, all my previous replies to you have been sarcasm but you probably wasn't bright enough to understand that, please find me on wikipedia about that hero you speak about, but you are prolly to stupid to click this
Oh yeah, since when did dozen(~24?) became hundreds?
And did you even read that? He used an unknown number of tanks.

even i know how to read :<
ask some one to translate it for you
That could be 24 tanks, and he had an unknown number of tanks for his disposal, and no I will NEVER ever trust an israelian propaganda page, thx.
ok what ever you want :>

ask syria about him
you loose cuz you are lazy :D
QuoteSyria: yeah, he with a battalion of 20 T-Tiger 5 tanks loaded with V2 fueled armor penetrating warheads killed our 30 Mark IV tanks mounted with 30. machineguns, gratz
we didnt have those tanks :/
yup, soldiers from units like delta, sas, grom etc are rly unbelievable skilled
civilians & children = easy bash :X
if u are in such a country like for example somalia, u really dont know who is a good guy and who's not :/ their culture is strange for our world, so i think they shooted to every1 cause of fear
If you shoot because you are scared, I don't realy think you are suited to be a soldier.
special forces are trained to operate deep behind enemy lines so why shouldnt that be possible?
yea to bad in the game your team getting shot every few secend and nothing happened...

if your team could die then you never were able to win the game
i get your point, but still cod4 is a great game even though sometimes its not that logic :P and afterall its just a game
ok i finished the game too and i needed around 3-4hours on the second level "soldier" i think it was very easy so next time use a more difficult level:D

inmy opinion it is the best single player I EVER PLAYER RELY ! it was unbelievable:D
very nice game:)

and the animations and the story was very nice its like you are aperson of the war :P
more enemy's means more killing and more killing means more fun.

BTW: Assassins Creed rocks. My review on the game is quiet simple but i cant write it at this moment
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