17 Nov 2007, 18:48
Im planning to buy a new computer but dont really know what to look at like mobo chipset graphic card and stuff could u guys advise me something?!!?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
Asus M2-Crosshair alaplap AM2 49,034 Ft
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+, 2 x 3000 MHz dobozos (AM2) 34,946 Ft
MSI NX8800U-T2D768E-HD-OC 768MB PCI-E 160,454 Ft
CPU: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 6000+
HD: Samsung Spinpoint T166 (320 GB)
Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 940N
Keyboard: Logitech G15
Mouse: Logitech MX518
Mousepad: Guild Wars Retail Fcked thingy
Sound: not specified
Graphics: Sapphire HD2900PRO Retail, 2x DVI-D, Vivo 1024mb(Radeon)
Memory: Kingston HyperX 2 GB DDR2-800 Kit
O/S: Windows Vista (Cheap 1)
Headset: Creative Preformance Gaming Hset
Connection: FAAST (Not polish)
certainly use DDR II cause 3 is overrated² (geil is a nice brand)
buy a 8800 or wait on the 9x series of nvidia (dont buy a 8800 640 mb cause the 320 more mb's are not worth the money - except if youw ould like to have 5 fps more :) )
CPU: Intel Quadcore 6600
HD: Seagate 7.200 rpm (Sata II) 320 gig
Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 206bw
Keyboard: Logitech random
Mouse: stupid shit
Mousepad: rantopad
Sound: Yamaha HTR-6030SL - Creative 5.1 - Siberia Icemat - onboard
Graphics: BFG 8800 GTS 320 mb DDR III
Memory: Apacer PC 6400 - 2 GIG DDR II ofc
O/S: xp sp II
Headset: siberia icemat
Connection: 10 mpbs + unknown