
Thought euros were smarter than this, but I guess your just as dumb as the japanese

dont support companies that benefits from this
can suck my big dick!
lol, that's not in Denmark ;)
fucking nasty. just read on the news japan r gunna kill 1,000 more whales
didnt watch after the blue screen ngr plx :(
That is not Denmark :)

Well, it could be a part of Denmark, since it looks like Faeroe Islands or Greenland; they have always killed whales as a living, which I think is okay.
and because they always done it, that makes it ok?
eskimos kill whales
Yeah, sure there way of life. I sure as hell hope you dont eat meat since you saying all this crap :p
det gör jag inte xD

inga djurprodukter breeeee
Bäst för dig det!
This has nothing to do with me being a Dane, but yes. I think that people around the world should be allowed to kill animals, if that has been their way of surviving for ages.

I might add that the killing of the whales in Faeroe Islands and Greenland is being controlled, and has been for the past 10 years or so.
well there is a number of factors to take into consideration

they dont kill 1 whale to feed their family, they killed thousands of whales to make money of the meat. If it were survival, I would be more relaxed about it.

but the main thing I really cant ever be relaxed about is the way they kill the whales. Is it absolutely neccesary to cut them and make them bleed before you kill them? Just so it TASTES better? thats not survival to me, thats just greed

I have no clue if danes are as brutal , slaughtering whales, as the japanese are. But I dont really see WHY they need to choose this as their profession, Denmark is a welfare state, and you can easily find a MORE humane job than to cut up whales..
Another fact: you'd do anything for the right amount of money and included in that you'd most proberly betray anything to get it.

On topic: They kill whales so they can live ie get food AND money, they have done this for a longer period of time seeing as it's the way they have lived for ages.
I wouldnt, but are you saying that you would? you are actually telling me that you can put a prize tag on anything?

then tell me, how much would you want to kill your entire family?
or is that OFF limits? but you said ANYTHING, so Im guessing it isnt

and for the whales thing, they kill them to make money, probably a lot money as well, seeing as they only have a few weeks every year to do this. If their sole purpose for killing the whales was SURVIVAL then they wouldnt kill them by the thousands, cause thats more meat than they can consume
Quoteand for the whales thing, they kill them to make money, probably a lot money as well, seeing as they only have a few weeks every year to do this
get your facts right and we can talk about this again.. you're just one of a million jumping on to all the propaganda you see on the net. no wonder Al Qaeda got such an easy time recruiting people to blow them selfes up. :)
I was under the impression that all fishing have seasons

since there arent that many whales left in the ocean, I dont think you can hunt whales all year round

and yeah , Im the sheep here, for caring about animals and the enviroment

remember, YOU're the one who doesnt understand Why

Why care, rly, Why?
I hope you understand why someday
no they dont make money of it they just keep doing it as a part of their traditions.
ehm YEA they DO make money of it
sure, to live from the money
Care, hard enough to people to make a living in greenland =)
What did whales ever do for you?
Kill them all I say, drinking up our precius water, damn them all!
they make it salty when having sex, since too much sperm goes into the sea when having sex lloloolool
Is that a good thing?
Do you know how many people that died on the ocean as they where traveling from europe to america to start a new life X years ago cause they didnt have enough water?

for more info about whales see the best page in the universe
ridiculous page
if you believe in those arguments i feel rly sry for you, boy:(
If you dont understand what humour is, I feel sorry for you
so we both feel sorry;> great!
Yes, but I dont feel sorry for the whales.
stupid denmark!

they should at least have played a draw vs northern ireland :s
You have no idea how close it was. In the final minutes, Denmark was unlucky 3 times within 2 minutes (one of them might have been a N. Ireland player saving on the goal line with hands)... but it is pretty symptomatic of how the qualifier has been for Denmark.
Sweden got pwned 0-3 vs spain that was worst game ive seen for a long time.
looks tasty !
nice music =)
if theres enough of them why not eat them?:) its not from denmark but form the faeroe islands where its a national tradition or smth like that.
yea but the thing is

they kill them to make money, and the more the animals suffer before they die, the more adrenaline is pumped into the body and thus making the meat "tastier"

so if you are fine with animal torture just so your "whale" burger will taste a BIT better, fine

but I dont think you would want to stand amongst these "guys" when they are killing the whales
There isnt really alot of them left tbh. But killing them all to just sell them is mean :( maybe if they needed them to eat and survive but otherwise..
they dont do it for money you cant even buy it in supermarkets up there.
They looked like they where selling it on the video seen sum women walking off with some :P anyway going bed
well yeah its like a community get to gether where they basicly kill some whales and split the meat:P
good night shithead :>
who the fuck cares, world will keep spinning without whales. mankind has become the definition of selfishness and everything we have to take care of is ourselves and if killing whales is the profession of these guys its just like that.
you do realize that everything is connected?
every animal has a purpose basically, and I dont think its wise to upset the balance of nature, by killing of an entire species
You've genuinely confused me in this journal.

Do you have some fetish for whales? or do you not just want to see them killed? or do you not like the way they are being killed?

Would you mind if it was wild boars that were being killed in the same manner? If so, then you're contradicting your statement about the balance of nature with regards for the benefit of human safety against wild boars.

OMg im' so drunk:D
eh you got it all wrong sry :P

I dont like animals being killed

but my main issue is that they shouldnt torture animals if they are gonna kill them
I didn't actually watch the video, but i'm pretty sure all animals are killed like this unless you are a muslim and eat halal meat.
watch it, and then speak
sorry for replying 2 weeks late, just logged into this account again. my statement just represents my opinion on things ive created for myself. being an atheist i think that mankind is superior to everything so mankind has no need to account for what we do to any institution so i think our existence has no reason not to cease to exist. i think whether were surviving has no impact on anything, not on the world nor on anything else. i mean, lets say were all alone as living and thinking creatures in this universe, who else is there to care about our survival and if theres anyone or anything else, were not that special anymore. however u put it, we have no reason to exist but just for our own pleasure. and to keep that pleasure these people have to kill whales. and if the whales die out, nature might be unbalanced and slowly we might die out as well but, as i stated before, noone will care. i hope you dont mark me as naive or narrowminded, its just my view on things i created.
please dont think im one of those brutal bastards desperate to kill animals, im just quite unemotional when it comes to such things. (gory movies freak me out tho ;> )

i wonder how i made my point look somewhat reasonable and i did not mean to offend anyone, i hope you realise :)
stupid comment, read waters reply he is right
glad to see someone actually has some brains here...
so the only one with a brain, is the one having the same opinion as you?
It's obivious that it's just a part of nature to hunt and kill for food, but when humans can slaughter so many animals just instantly, you just feel that something is done like it's not supposted to be done

I just had a real bad feeling fast forwarding this :(
Nature = Do ever thing to proctect nuggans survival!
Well, I think this is a very touchy subject, I personally cannot watch this video because I find it really disturbing, however I am not 100% against the killing of animals (survival of the fittest:)) but I do think there are limits and certain criteria should be met. Whales .. they do no harm to anyone so I see no reason to kill them. Dogs .. kill them all I say, when a human kills a dog, it's bad and cruelty to animals but when a dog kills a baby, it's ok because the dog doesn't know what he's doing right? Yet, the ones that look cute, people find adorable but they want the ugly ones to die? Really confusing world.

Yes, it may be the drink bringing out my emotions on this Saturday Night/Sunday Morning :(
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