lol im backi

I'm back from teh pub wasw druking with spa , and some other friends . I have drzunk 9 beers , smoked a joint of skunk and a joint of hash . Igm going to bed now not gonna be online tommorow !

P.S: I ow 7,20€ to the pub ( couldn't pay everything )
you'll be next paris hilton
You're cool now !
aha! now go sleep !!!
these are getting annoying
thx now we know how pathetic your life : D
nice engrish
i know, but as i can see uve got rly nice too....24/7 @ computer...goodjob!
im eating front of my computer, but your biggest adventure in your life is drink achohol and tell us on internet , grat
u made a kid infront of pc also ?
no i made it ^^

edit : KE SI PJANC , prid @ msn
smoked hash and skunk and ur going to bed?

what nothing to eat first?
Don't be a poor sport :P
still no explanation why u cheat
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, 1 joint of skunk and 1 joint of hash, u must be teh most cool guy around there!! STILL LAUGHING : D
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