Why does it have to be us?

So Once Again.
Just got owned.

Yesterday, while I was at KiL|3rBoY's house, we decided to play with his Xbox. And we played, Rainbox 6, Tom Clancy's.

After trying for the same missionn for 3 times, because we did not know exactly what we had to do when we started for the first time. We managed to get control of all the keys and we knew exactly how to keys were bound.

Started the 4th round.
Managed to infiltrate the main building (Primary Objective) - Done!
Prevented the leaders from escaping (Secondary Objective) - Done!

Cu|T|vA - Died becuase I was standing in front.

Killerboy managed to enter the second building. And killed another2 terrorists.

What happens when all that's left to do is climb up a ladder and the mission is complete?

The Lights Go Out..

Once again pwned.
How funny was that, seriously i lol'd
You also almost fell off your chair from laughing?
i needed to stand up cos i was laughing too much so that was quite hard
I just hope, i really do, that one day, i also will find a friend where i can play Rainbox 6, Tom Clancy's all day long. That must be soo cool !
Just wondering, what is rainbox 6? it has something to do with the rain i guess?
O .. M .. G ! You say liek yuu don't know "Rainbow 6" ? :o

It's liek zeh bestester geejm afzer IIITTIII maan !

Also shooting 'nd stuff, rescue zeh hostages, liek so real :o
Coudn't give a beter description mate ;) :)
Well i know what is Rainbow six ye, but rainbox, u dont understand anything :-(
Oh lol, typo :-<
Actually... It is yeah :)

KiL|3rBoY is quite a good freind :)
Rainbox 6
its tom clancys' rainbow 6 imo and you gat pwned!
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