vista boot...

So I just installed vista on my laptop and it takes more than a minute and a half to boot up. xp took only 35seconds :/

Is it just vista being poop or can I do something about it? (except for going back to xp)

my laptop is a dual core machine with 2gig ram :/

This can be caused by fivethousand different things, please be more specific and maybe I can help ;)
can't really say more, just installed vista and it sucks =(
no it doesn't
ppl who say that just dno how to handle it
tell me then^^
This can be caused by fivethousand different things, please be more specific and maybe spree. can help ;)
what was wrong with xp ?
nothing really =S
delete vista & take vista style for xp like mine desktop :D
it's vista, that's the problem...
run -> msconfig -> boot.ini, prolly full of useless crap
run -> services.msc -> have a look and select the ones you really need
depnds how much ram you have got vista needs 2gb + to work quickly!
I deinstalled Vista,

anyways I had 1,5 gb ram and I worked fine with it ;).

A advice, lweebo deinstall vista.. you cant play a game with it.
agreed its shite!
:D Finally a aduld agreed with me :D..

my parents never agreed with me :<
I have 2 gig:)
You clock the time of the boot from your OS's :P ?
I recently upgraded my ram so i clocked to see if it would boot faster :P and with vista i just felt like it took 100 years so I clocked there as well:P
Alright ;p thought you are a nolifer that clocks his booting time everydag ;p lol!
not really =)
solution: linux
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