Reminder for you all!

Hey folks,

Within nearly 35 minutes, a QPAD CoD4 Collectors Giveaway by VAE is taking place. When you attend this unique quiz you have the chance of winning a Legal copy of CoD4 and a QPAD CE mousepad with a CoD4 themed surface.

All you have to do to attend this amazing quiz is to keep track of our website and to be in our irc channel (#vae) at 19:00 CET.

We hope to see you attending our quiz and eventually winning the prize!

The VAE staff.

Additional links:

Official newspost
GL with the organising part, and good luck to all competitors.
you just want idlers biatch
don't have good experience with these quizzes, since my QPAD from last time(eyeon-esports quiz) never arrived
We from VAE guarantee you excellent deliverance and a smooth running quiz! Just attend and who knows you might be lucky with a real QPAD this time.
I'll do it!

edit: I wish I hadn't!
He won a fake QPAD? x-D
apparently :///
i bet will win some random highskiller
dont waste your time ppl they will never send z prize, all lies. ;_(
Thats actually your opinion, as long aswe know better its alright. =]
its not a opinion its a fact. a quiz fuck of you only want idlers at the end a guy from your org will win.
We have forbidden the people from our organisation to compete in this quiz. Besides, this is organised in addition with qpad and severe qpad admins have been busy with developing the quiz together with us.

Fraud is not taking place. (That's a REAL fact)
if that was the case you would have made a cup or something. a quiz @ lol. dont take it to hard im just bored and flaming evrything i read ;_)
Winner :

1917 Timid [[email protected]] has joined #vae
1917 Q sets #vae mode: +o Timid
1917 Timid [[email protected]] has left #vae
klapp!!klapp!! ;_D
You are a kid.. Really. Stop posting bullshit, he wasn't even involved to vae and his Q auth still existed, thats it. Grow up.
Yes posting someone getting op'd in irc is very childish indeed.
The reason why it happened has already been given to you.
You are just doing this to give us a negative image in this community. All I can say about that to you is to go on, the only negativity that comes out this stupid spamming is your childishness.
LOL! First of all it was you and your admins which kept replying and keeping it going via irc, and I was the one to say to the people arguing with them to stop, it's pointless..

My posting a simple irc quote is not childish at all, and I really couldn't be bothered enough to try "give ur mgc a bad name" and it seems you call everyone childish, but don't actually have your real age posted in your own profile (why?)
I'm aged 15, but in this case it doesn't bring me in a worse position to say these things. You fail mate, I'm not going to discuss this with you any more. I've told you everything and when you stick to your (false) point it's not my problem.
lol! your 15! You seem to use the same argument about everything, taken from your own profile with Freedune, "You Fail" and "Your childish" and you say the same to me.. maybe you need to look harder and structure your arguments a bit more..

btw you fail
Will it be a CoD4 quiz or just some random question(s)?
whats the quiz on?
CoD4 and all related to it
gtfo retard
fuck I missed it :(

needs more advertising!
be glad you missed it
vae fucking sucks it was way too obvious that this quiz would suck xD
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