Coolest instrument ever

Where can I get one of those? It is called "Theherim".

If some band needs a theherim-player, I am avi, just pmme.
dont worry, be happy on drugs.
edit : what the fuck, nice skillz on the second vid.
You can get a premade one for about $360. You can buy a kit for slightly less... I can't vouch for playing it though... I just did research.
seen one of them on a tv pro gramme a while ago, aparently they are extraordinarily hard to play!
instruments are nice.
somehow, this instrument makes me think of loekino :O
haha.. nice =D
instrumental skills i really respect -
warning : not everyone's taste
it's a midi controller.
the used technique is pretty old and is used since the 20's.
A really new instrument with amazing sound is this one:
it's called a Hang
New? Even the egyptians had drums back in the days. That looks just like a wok-pan with mic attached to it. There is some added drums too in that clip, right?
ye, the drums are added, besides that there is only a delay. The rest is completly authentical.
But the instrument itself is one of the mathematically most complex instruments ever created. It's a very special sound, unheard of before. It's made of a special metal alloy which also makes it pretty expensive: starting at 800€ I think. You can play a whole octave plus bassnote with it, which was impossible before the invention of the hang.
lmao wtf :p
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