slajdan lan dodger?

* ovs`slajdan changes topic to '| TLR.COD4(POLSKI) TORSKAR HÅRT PÅ LAN MOT FRANSKA RANDOMS, BÖGARNA JOEPOE OCH DOEKOE(h2k) ÄGER SÖNDER ALLA, SPEEDLINK DROPPAR FRÅN LANET, slajdan kommer ha FULLT upp i ett år efter den 7:e januari q:-<<<'

slajdan says he will have alot to do after 7th january so that he probably wont be able to compete in the cod4 tournament @ cdc4.
online only? discuss.
clever to share the pass and ip of ur priv? :(
who the fackin fuck cares?
In case I can't make it, I give you this pic to wank over, it's just a couple of years old.
didnt really get your point there but hf online!
sladjan gay.
cu @ lan slajdan
Where did my comments go?
Ohh the conspiracy!!
ja , det är roligt
youve gotta be kidding me deleting posted pictures , plz.
I guess its a trend with swedish players
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