maths again

Hi, i have one task for u :
(my english sucks so i will try my best):

2 players ar playing a game, and the player, who will win 6 rounds/make 6 wins as first will take the whole money. As the game was 5:3, they stopped to play. How should they share the money? (how much should get every player?)
:D where did you get this task?
learn english before maths plz
according to your task they played their 6th round so one of them should take it all
no its money of them both so everybody should take a right part back but which? In which proportion?
total money=x
(x\8)*5=first player
please explain why this logic is wrong and i'll buy you a beer
only other option is judging by probability of winning next round but who said that its more fair?
try to find out, how much chances every player has?
no not really^^
if they are not going to finish this game there is no point to divide the money according to chances they had, probability theory is a theory after all
if the task mentioned strong 50\50 chances it would force the one and only solution, but it didnt
the whole thing is to share the money, but so that every player get so much money, how much chances he has to win
well it is.
the guy with 5 wins wouldnt agree to stop playing to get only 5/8.
agree with gr3ma^^
Score was 5:3. Does this not mean round 8 ? Which would round 6 be then? Or how does the scoring go?
they wanted to play till somebody gets 6 points, but after they had 5:3 they stopped to play. They scoring is not important, its like to play cards, in every round is somebody the winner
The one who wins the 6th round or the one who wins 6 rounds?
Or the one who gets 6 points more than the other?
The next beers on me.
the one who will take 6 points/win 6 games as first
7/8 and 1/8
u knew it didnt u?
No, it only takes some brain :o
dont think so, whats ur solution, how did u find it out?
Well, I assume that the chances of winning the game are 50/50.

The only way the first player could lose the game is losing 3 next rounds and the probability of that is (1/2)^3 = 1/8.
good done :)
u can try to do a diagramm with all stands too where u can see the one player have 7 chances to win and another just 1, but i think u know that :p
Respect, mate.
ok i say the solution: they should share it 7:1 try to find out why?
I didn't read the answer when composing my reply.
IMO this is not a valid math task/problem, at least not if you're looking for one single result.

there is no rule how it should be done, there could be many solutions based on different logic
the logic is based on the probability theorie, try to compare the chances of both players
so? read quad's post. he showed another way of calculating probability which leads to a different solution.. and that is exactly what i said, "at least not if you're looking for one single result"
its wrong way coz of definition of the probability theorie
no it isn't dude
the probability theory is a theory based on probability, it has a random factor included in it, wich makes it non solid ;)
which factor?
The random factor. It's a theory based on a probability, what makes it random, you can't base maths on that :)

Ofcourse it's a way to solve the problem, but since the numbers generated by the theory are completely random, the other solutions are correct too :)
I'd do it like this:

Let's assume they have equal probabilities to win subsequent rounds. Thus, for the second guy to win, he has to win 3 consecutive rounds. That has a probability of (1/2)^3 = 1/8. That means the first guy has a probability of 7/8 of winning the game. This is the ratios of the money I would give them.

BUT. It could be done differently. The probability could be assumed to be 3/(5+3) = 3/8 for the second guy to win a round. This makes for a probability of getting the whole money of 27/512. The first guy would win with a probability of 485/512. This is another way of splitting the money.
then u have a wrong definition of probability theorie
Not really. Take an ET match: Impact Gaming vs CWG. If you'd tell me the probability for CGW winning the match is 50%, I'd tell you really have a problem, or you don't know the match history of these clans. So in some way, the history of the matches does affect the probability of them winning the game.
exactly my point from above :)

i was just about to write an example with betting systems on sport matches
its more difficulter coz u have on those bets real games and the chances ar different, u cant really say the chances of both teams, coz there ar very much factors in this shit, but what u can do here is to take many different things and find out the chances of the teams, but in my task both players were same strong
the problem of ur task is that u dont know the chances of both teams, so it cant be solved exactly
in first solution you state that its 50/50 to win next round.
but if till now A won 5 and B won 3, that can also mean that A got bigger chances not only to win w whole match but also a next round as till now he won more rounds.
no, if the chances ar 50/50, so its the same for the next, game: 50/50
yes, if the chances are 50/50 (they are same strong) first solution is the only good one. but you didnt assume that on the beginning :)
hmm btw, 50/50 is good at start of game. but when you see that A won 5 and B won 3 you cant rly say they are of the same strenght.
jut imagine a roulette, the probabilty that the next number is red is the same as if it would come the black one for every game, coz the game doesnt know, who won the game before, that means if there were last 20 numbers without black, the chances for the black one in the next game ar the same: 1/2
but the fate should make it 4:4 till now, not 5:3 :D
nono rly, i get your point. gn8, give some more logic tommorow or smth :)
there is only one right way, which u wrote as first, another one doesnt exist
it wouldn't exist if you mentioned the chances are 50-50. his second method is basing probability on results of already played rounds
no they r same good forgot to write it :)
That solves the problem then ;)
Math geeks...
not rly, it is learned in secondary school.
unlike your English =D
correct me then.
mm you prolly mean "tought". but cant it be "learned" as well?
fking schoolboys, go to work, what the fuck you do with that kind of math in ur life ? :--D
Splitting the money in case we need to abandon a cards game before it reaches an end...
muscle>brain in that case.
big fucking gun > any other gun

e..ooOps..nice€ skillz here..

gun=natürliche auslese?\?\\?+\++?
rize, some more pls :)
or... tommorow :D now im going to sleep =)
Tomorrow, 22:00 CET
Rize and I are going to bring more cookies :)
Oh noez, rize is posting one more TODAY!
I'll be up for the one tomorrow :)
not rise, coz under this name is already registered one
Given that i have no idea what the probability of player 1/player 2 winning, i dont know.

i see smarter people have taken it as 50/50 :]
school sux beer best
if u dont say that they have 50% probability to win each match this problem has no sense. If we suppose that the probability is 50% the right answer is the one kot gave, if not, I think that the best answer would be quads second one.
first guy is A, 2nd guys is B
if first guy wins a round it's a, if 2nd guy wins it's b

ways for A to win: a = 0,5 ba = 0,5*0,5 = 0,25 bba = 0,5*0,5*0,5 = 0,125 -> P(A wins) = 0,5 + 0,25 + 0,125 = 7/8
ways for B to win: bbb = 0,5*0,5*0,5 = 0,125 = 1/8
The 3 point guy needs 3 wins in a row and the probability of that to happen is 1/8 assuming they're evenly skilled, so he should get 1/8 of the money. The other guy should get the remaining 7/8.

Keep it simple
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