more maths tasks :D

Hi, here one more task for u from the same maths field: kombinatorik:

behind one of 3 doors is standing an auto. To win this u have to open the right door. After ur decision to open one of the doors, where u think the auto is standig, will be opened another door, where is no auto. That means there ar staying 2 doors closed, so that behind one is standing a car. Whats better, now to change another of 2 left doors and open it or stay by the door u called at the beginning and open it now?

Where do u have more chances to win?
i don't understand your English I'm afraid :(
i think u dont understand the task
maybe so, but i genuinely don't understand your English either.So until i can read it, i can't tell you whether i understand or not.
simply because you are English, you have right not to understand him. he is contructing English sentence using English words, but with German order of principles in the sentence. That's common for many nations, same with Polish people (from my own experience). this one is the best to see it:
"behind one of 3 doors is standing an auto." - he simply replaced German words with English without formatting order of verb, noun etc. you know, this sentence would be good in Polish language when you only replace English words with Polish ones. "za jednym z trzech drzwi[behind ...] stoi[verb] samochod[car]. While in English, such order is inacceptable.
Dont look at him through a very critic eye, he tries his best.
yer i explained i wasnt trying to be mean further down :[

besides i do understand, his English is better then my French/German :D
i can't believe you're correcting my English! Have you even read the paragraph you typed above...?
you wrote two lines. i was in a hurry while writing that poem^^
Deleted my solution... i'll let the joy of solving the problem to other people as well...
i think u already learned combinatoric or u know the solutions
I knew the solution to this problem, and YEAH!!! I had my fair share of combinatorics (maybe a bit more than fair).
can u plz right this task in understandable english
Dont get me wrong btw, there is only one sentance i dont really understand, he solved it, so it must be understandable for some people! :D
heard this question before (in better engrish) but anyway, it's better to change, don't ask me why but it's true
Explanation of the question:
- You have three doors, only one has a car behind it.
- You get to choose one door, but you dont' open it.
- From the remaining two doors, one of them opens. It is empty.
- You now have two doors: the one you have chosen initially, and another one that stayed closed.
- You can keep your choice, or change it.
- What do you do? (You want the car)
thx, so simply and understandable i wonder why i couldnt write it the same way :D
if u wanna one more difficult task i can give u, but only if u learned kombinatoric before, coz without it u wont solve that
Hit me! Btw, what are you studying at University (you are at university, right?)
im styding maths
Isn't it necessary to say that there's a moderator that knows where the car is? And he only opens doors where the car is not?
Yea, I think so... I thought it was obvious, but apparently, it isn't.
From my pov it doesn't make sense without the moderator. I guess that's why some/many don't understand it.
Furthermore it might be more obvious when thinking of f.e. 1000 doors and eliminating 999 (one after another) instead of 3 doors and eliminating 2.
The probability that the car is behind your door is 1/1000, the probability that it is behind the 999 other doors is 999/1000. With the moderator only opening doors without the car, the probability remains unchanged.
So, in the end you have 2 doors, one with 1/1000 and one with 999/1000.
well u have still 50 % of chances so is there any difference which door? but, from logical point of view, this door which u pick at the begining are lucky doors so i'll stay with my first choice :P
bad decision :P
math seems to be a hot topic today ;)
you have twice more chances if you change your pick
I dont get it, please tell me wtf and Im brb for a while :p
- when you make your first pick, you have 1/3 probability to get the "good" door. Say you pick A = 1/3
- thus, the other two doors have a probability of 2/3, combined. B+C = 2/3
- one of them opens, so its probability to be the good door goes to zero (it's bad, you see it) B = 0
- but the total probability of the other two doors still has to be 2/3, thus the remaining door gets the whole 2/3. C = 2/3
So you choose C, that is, change your pick.
no way, if there is no car in B, it must be in A(my choice) or in C, so the probablity is 50/50
Please don't argue with me on maths topics, will you? Read the whole Wikipedia page (i didn't) if you want a more accurate explanation.
ok but why car cant be @ our choice? we dont know where is car, so why i must to change my choice if i want to win??
You're making a confusion. The car CAN be at your initial choice. 33% chances.
But the car can also be at the other door. 66% chances.
If you would agree on the numbers, would you choose to keep the lower changes?
ok, i have 33% of chances at the begining, but i have 33% on every choice, A, B and C. i pick one of them,A, i bet on luck.
now, ok, im realising that B & C have 66% chances. so i bet on B(or C) but then, i realise that i have 66% chances @ A and C ! so i change it again, and again... even if one door would be eliminated, i could still changing it for ages :P
Check my reply @ the bottom of the page.
daniel, po polsku :P

masz do wyboru 3 drzwi. wybierasz A. szansa ze tam jest auto wynosi 33%. wiec szansa, ze tam auta nie ma wynosi 66%. Zygmunt Heizer otwiera drzwi C. W nich jest koza, czyli ze nie wygrales. I teraz zostaja ci drzwi A i B. Heizer pozwala ci zmienic zdanie ale nie musisz. Zostajesz przy A czy zmieniasz na B?
I teraz, wracamy do poczatku: jaka szansa byla ze w A jest auto? 33%. Bardziej prawdopobone wiec ze auta nie ma w A, tylko jest w B lub C. Ale wiesz juz ze w C auta nie ma bo zostaly te drzwi otwarte. Tak wiec szansa ze w B jest auto wynosi 66%.
I powtarzam to co powiedzial quad. To ze szanse ze w A jest auto wynosi 33%, a w B 66% nie oznacza, ze w A nie ma auta. Ono moze byc w obu drzwiach, tyle ze wedlug logiki wieksza szansa jest ze auto jest w drzwiach B. Wiec lepiej zmienic drzwi.
Ale oznacza to tyle ze jak masz pecha to i tak czy zmienisz czy nie, pewnie auto bedzie w tych drugich drzwiach :). To tak jak lotto, mozesz kupic 2 kupony, zwiekszasz wec swoje szanse dwukrotnie, ale co z tego skoro i tak nie wygrasz^^

can you get it now? :)
tak, ja to rozumialem od poczatku, a po angielsku tez rozumiem calkiem niezle ;) ale nie chce mi sie tlumaczyc znowu dlaczego uwazam szanse na 50/50, poczytaj reszte moze albo nie wiem :P kombinatoryka i tak jest pojebana
no tam na wikipedii napisali ze to, ktore drzwi wybiore na poczatku ma znaczenie dla tego, ktore drzwi otworzy heizer zeby mi pokazac ze w nich nie ma auta i dlatego bierze sie pod uwage 3 a nie 2 drzwi.... a nie wiem! tak, kombinatoryka jest glupia :P
stay with you first choise. 2/3 chance to win teh car =D
i think if you change your door, theres more of a chance of you getting it right, due to the fact the other door has been eliminated. If i'm right, then the prob increases to 2/3? Dont think i explained that very well! :D
Trust your guts, stay with the first door.

If the first door you picked was no car, would they tell you?

Otherwise the first choise was quite useless, in the real end it is a 50/50 question then.
In reality yes, because what you did first was just useless junk(if I understood the question correctly) to stress the user and create tension and excitement, the host most often wants you to win so the first pick would be right if the hostess smileyed towards you.
As i said:
A B C the doors.
You pick A. 33% Probability.
The probability of the car being at B or C is 66%.
B opens, no car there.
The probability of the car being at B or C is still 66%.
No car at B.
Thus the probability of the car to be at C is 66%.
no, the probability of the car being @ c then is 50%, since you eliminate B. B is out of the race, so only two doors left, 50%=1/2 then ;)
What spree said, we are talking reality theory, not theory theory because that will always just be theory.

You eliminate a door that has no car(you wrote) and therefore there is only 2 doors to chose from at the end.
u understand the task wrong like spree
its not a theorie, its praxis,
it was tested over 10 years long on computers in simulationprogramms to show that u win with 2/3 by changing the door, what u can simply see by viewing all the possible cases
ye exactly what i was thinking, its just totaly abstract to say that now the third door is ur best guess. I get the "logic" behind it, but its flawed logic in such a situation imo, since the exact same situation could occur if u picked the other door
funny, but bullshit

many ppl here claim it's correct, but only coz they read wikipedia, in fact, this is all just bullshit, the probabilities stay 50/50, since it's a game of luck

At first the probability is 1/3 that you have a good 1, then 1 gets eliminated, so the probability is 1/2, not 2/3, since there aren't 3 doors left ;)
ok i will try to explain it to u:
imagine the car is behind the door A, so:
u change the door A and change it, so u lose!
u change the door B and change it, sou win!
u change the door C and change it, so u win!

u see in 2 of 3 situations u win if u change ur door, thats why the chances of changing the door ar 2/3 and staying at the door 1/3
no, since we eliminate one of the door, so chances are like 50/50 because there is no car in eliminated doors
read my topic again till u understand it
i wont change my point of view, even if i read it couple of times already :P
the question is what is better to change another door or stay at the same? i explained why u win by 2/3 by changing the door
You understand what I'm saying :)
The probability WOULD be 1/2 IF you made the pick after the door was opened, and you were clueless on how it was opened.

Maths is always right, btw ;) even in practice.
explained him in a much better way :D
No, ofcourse not, it doesn't matter shit, since the position of the car isn't random/variable, it's at one solid place.

Think of it this way:

The car is behind B

You get to choose one out of three doors, you choose A
They eliminate C, and since you know there's nothing there, you can choose from A or C, wich make the chances 50/50, since now you have to pick one out of two instead of one out of three
right argumentation, if u just have 2 doors infront of u with a car behind one of the door. The question is what is better to choose another door or stay at the same door? i wrote it, why u win in 2/3 of all situations if u change the door
you proclaim you have two doors in front of you, but still you are doing the equasions in thirds, you say there is a probability of 2/3, wich means two/third, third to be defined as in three doors, while there are only two. That's wrong, the correct equasion would be 1/2
I hope you are just joking, this is a Math B problem, im doing Math D.
i think this discussion is going to nowhere, because its fight of "logical thinking" vs "maths thinking"
probably from math point of view they are right, but from clearly logical point of view this is one big bullshit
read this again:

imagine the car is behind the door A, so:
u change the door A and change it, so u lose!
u change the door B and change it, sou win!
u change the door C and change it, so u win!
dude, read what we say, if you eliminate one door you no longer have three doors, and that is why the equasion can't be 2/3, but has to be 1/2 (2 as redirecting to two doors)
just forget ur elimination plz, there is not about the chances after u eliminated one of the door, but about the chances to win if u change or if u not change
omg read what he has just written. you have three situations:
car is on A
- if you choose A then switch to B or C - you lose.
- if you choose B then switch to A - you win (C is thrown out)
- if you choose C then switch to A - you win (B is thrown out).

pls get the real meaning of POSSIBILITY, PROBABILITY, CHANCE. Your chances are indeed bigger if you switch, but that doesnt mean you will actually win since its about a luck and you play it only once. but your chances are bigger, if you played 3 times, then you should win 2 out of 3 games - and guess what, thats not sure, if you have bad luck you can lose 3 out of 3 games, but again.... you have bigger chances to win.
dont know how about you, but i prefer having bigger chance than lower chance.
Maths thinking IS logical thinking. What you are trying to argue for, it's actually ILLOGICAL thinking :P
no this is flawed logic imo, if u would have chosen the other door, the exact same thing could have happened. Its way too strict, ruling out several other possibilities and thus its reality value is near 0 imo
Suppose car is at A.
You choose A. B/C eliminated. You change. You loose.
You choose B. C eliminated. You change. You win.
You choose C. B eliminated. You change. You win.
Suppose car is at B.
You choose A. C eliminated. You change. You win.
You choose B. A/C eliminated. You change. You loose.
You choose C. A eliminated. You change. You win.
Suppose car is at C.
You choose A. B eliminated. You change. You win.
You choose B. A eliminated. You change. You win.
You choose C. A/C eliminated. You change. You loose.

Statistically, there are 9 possible situations. If you make the change, in 6 of them you win. That's a 66% probability to win!

If you don't make the change. There will still be 9 possible situations. Only 3 lucky. There's a 33% probability to win.

they just cant understand it :D
ofc we can, but we are countering it since we don't agree :)
no becuz you assume that you win in 66% of the situations and lose in 33%, the random factor you don't take with you, making this a 50/50 instead of 66/33, since you push B/C, A/C and A/B together in the lose cases, while they should be split up, since the car can only still be behind 2 doors instead of 3 ;)
3 ways of hiding one car behind one door out of three
3 ways of picking a door.

Are you really trying to argue there are 12 ways to place a car behind one of three doors and then choose one of the three?
he doesnt know how the probability will be defined
su nerd, I do know what he's saying, I just don't agree
u know or u understand? so how will the possibility defined to win or to lose`?
pfffff I rly have no clue of what you're saying, your engrisj sux big time dude
you cant disagree with a logic. in such case logic is logical and you are wrong :D
its all about the meaning of possibility. if you was born under the dark star and has got bad luck through all the life, you prolly wont win anyways :D
Didn't say that ;)
I was talking about the probabilities, not the placement nor the way you choose the doors. You just cram to probabilities of having it wrong in one choise ;)
Okey, then about the A/B choice. It's one simple case: You GOT the car right. One pick out of three. Why would it count as two cases?
you put the probability of being wrong in one case, while you put the probability of being right in two

but im off to sleep now, cya
Because it is! A total of nine cases (3 doors, 3 picks), and i've proven by analyzing each case that if you make the change, in 6 of them you win. What's wrong?

If you pick the right case from the start, it's just one case, doesn't matter which of the other two doors opens, you have already made a choice and thus selected one of the 9 possible cases (actually 3, since there is the restriction of the car really being there).
and what about the fact, that no matter which door you choose, the host will remove one of the wrong doors, so in fact you choose between A and B from the beginning, the only thing is whether you chose the doors with or without the car?

i completely get mathemacial view of it, but slajdan showed me that problem i asked at the start of this post.
But what about the fact that the host removes it AFTER you made your pick? It just is... theory explains it, practice proves it. Stop bending the reality. What if 2>3 ? It's not!
Good night, btw, i'm not staying any longer. Try to think on this issue a bit more. Maybe read some combinatorics and probability theory.
Okay, what I understood from dnl666 is that you perceive the pick as a 50-50 pick. Okay, I can understand that. But in reallity, switching the choice brings you more changes to win.
naww, check my latest reply
ok, i understand that from math point of view I have better chance but im still human, im not a god and i dont know where is car! so from humanity point of view, i have 50/50 chances. that's what im saying
yes u have 50/50 to decide between the 2 doors, there should be no problem by understanding of this, the question was where u have more chances to win, and the point of the whole task was this and not what u r trying to explain with ur 50/50
Aaaah... You THINK you have 50-50! Agreed! You see them as one out of two. Agreed! But that's got nothing to do with the probability of an event!
yep, now i see what u wanted to said, u see what i wanted to said, everyone are happy :P
spree isn't :<
You're seriously the most retarded person on xfire :c
It`s still a mathematical theory.
ok that was nice discussion, but i have still 2 eseys to go :D
I don't know why but I have read this whole thing..
My 3 options: Sleep [x]
Figure it out [ ]
Eat [ ]
Just a theoretical thing. It stays 50/50 for me. :D Afaik they made a experiment and have a guess it was nearly 50/50 after thousands repeats.
no many professors thought it was 50/50, after the simulation they could clearly see something like 1/3 and 2/3
If you do this in real life with 2 blue cubes and 1 red with a blind and deaf person a million times you would still get ~50/50.

This would have to be done in real life rather than on a PC for ten years, where the equation was probably terribly flawed.
yes if u would do it ur way to take the new door or to stay at ur door, of just never change the door so u would have after about 10000 games something like 50/50, but if u would change the door every time so u would have something like 2/3 and 1/3. So now say me whats better to play on ur strategy where u just win with 50/50 or to play with my stratery where i win with 2/3?
My strategy, because in reality, there is only 2 choises aka 50/50, with your strategy it could be either hit every time with incredible luck or miss every time with incredible unluck(if you had many tries). And a real man stand by his choice.
rofl dont wanna talk with u anymore u seems to be just too stupid for this bb
Quiting while losing is never a good thing, it will make you sad.
i explained it to u many times ur the one here who doesnt understand this
Aw yeah, I understand you quite clearly. But do you know why mathematical solutions change every year? it's because they are flawed and in this case it is like that.

There is 2 doors to choose from, don't need much logic to understand the possibility of a win.
the question was in other words: which strategy is better?
that means such a strategy, where u have more chances to win, u should play. And this one is from me where the chances ar 2/3. With ur strategy u have the chances 1/1.
whats difficult to understand that? :)
I don't understand why you count in the door that isn't even used.
Saw this on "Numbers", that American series where a math professor helps his FBI brother to solve cases..
So I know the answer only because of that. :P
there's a 200 page dischushon about this on an estonian forum
u should change, get 2/3 of chances then
Since it was actually only 2 doors to pick from, it would be 1/2.
I agree with you that there are only 2 doors to choose from and that the chance that the car is behind either one of those is 50%, but you do have "extra" information, because your first choice was a chance of 33% of getting it right, so imo you should still switch.

(yes I suck at maths please tell me what I'm doing wrong)
read my reply below
Yeah I think you're right, because they remove the WRONG one the right one remains and in 2/3 cases you will then win by switching. I think I actually understand it now oO
explain it to slajdan he cant still understand this xD
in the beginning u got chances 1/3 to select the right door
so, u pick a door with chances 1/3, but after u are given an opportunity to change it u got chances 1-1/3 = 2/3 if u make the change. Because it's like u would have selected both the other doors in the beginning (just the surely wrong one has been cut off now)

it's not easy to explain, but if u think about it a bit, it should be clear :)
It's clear as clear can be that it's 50/50 if you win or not.

Past means nothing in a case like this because you don't realy learn anything from them removing a door, if you picked the right one in the beginning or not does not matter.

2/3 - 1/1 = 1/2 because you have to remove one from both rows, simple as that.

I know that it is "correct" by some stanards counted mathematically, but practically it is not.

rätt 1/3 + fel 1/3 + fel 1/3 = 3/3 , 3/3 - 1 fel (alltså 33%), 33/2 = 17 , 33 + 17 & 33 + 17 = 50 & 50
if u watch just that situation after removing one, u have 50-50 chances... but if u think about the whole scene, u get 2/3 if u change
from wikipedia: "The most commonly voiced objection to the solution is that the past can be ignored when assessing the probability &#8212; that it is irrelevant which doors the player initially picks and the host opens. However, in the problem as originally presented, the player's initial choice does influence the host's available choices." - host is clueful, so he is sure that the door he reveals contain no car.

if the host didnt know where is the car, then its 50/50. but if host knows, its 2/3.
If the host didn't know it could as well be 0%.

rätt 1/3 + fel 1/3 + fel 1/3 = 3/3 , 3/3 - 1 fel (alltså 33%), 33/2 = 17 , 33 + 17 & 33 + 17 = 50 & 50
you choose A. when host revealed one goat, go back and ask yourself what was the chance that you actually picked up a correct door (out of 3 at the beginning). its only 1/3. so the bigger probability is that you missed. bigger chance is that car is in one of B/C. but moment ago host revealed C - goat. it is only B left out of B/C. Moment ago you told yourself that bigger chance was to choose B/C than A. And now, there is only B left from B/C. so 2/3 for B. hmm i got an idea how to say it in other words! got to bring my mum to the home now, will be back in an hour or more. if this doesnt convince you, give me one more shot and when im back ill try to explain in other words. cu around
When I first ask myself about what chance I have that I picked the right door, it would be 1/2, because one of the wrong was removed.

I understand you, but it is still wrong. The 3 will turn to 2.
no matter what i choose, host will remove one of the empty doors. a car can be in either of lasting doors.

is this what you say?
you change so you have a higher probability of getting the car. 2/3 = 33%/66%

that the anser but its all about luck in real life i would stay with the door i picked =D
change the door. i saw that in the "Numbers" serial on AXN! :D
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