simple maths task

U can throw the number 9 with 3 cubes (1...6) on 6 ways:

1,2,6; 1,3,5; 1,4,4; 2,2,5; 2,3,4; 3;3;3

the number 10 on 6 ways too:

1,3,6; 1,4,5; 2,2,6; 2,3,5; 2,4,4; 3,3,4

but the number 10 was thrown offener as the number 9, why?
Because the thrower was highskilled and he wanted to do 10s over the 9s
Finland ten standins? :D
I don't understand what you mean by "throw" and by "cubes" and i dont' want to look at the wikipedia page :)
best u didnt, since a study presented info that on a research performed on one (that is,1) particularly chosen subject provided ~123 errors. [@wiki ofc]
Partial surface disortions and weight differentials on the cube that could either be caused by manufactural error or simple hand sweat, the way you throw your cube and the way you hold the cube, the air currents also matter, infact EVERYTHING matters.
no fate, its all planned.
Fate = Hummomobulous.
The only cause of this is that 10 is just the number wich has the most addition combinations possible.
fuck off with maths u geek :X gtfo2bed!
im out from this :P
cubes = dice?
can u stop the stupid maths journals now? you've made 3 within a few hours..
just make an own journal idiot... Everyone is making hundrets of useless shit journal, just let him make his own useless shit journal... show me only 1 informativ journal...
stfu u stupid cunt, ill say what i want until an admin tells me otherwise, stupid online only hackin twat.
aha, online only... right stfu retards, in contrast to u, i was on a LAN! If u dont know anything about me just shut your mouth...
I can make a shit team and suck on lan to.. but i have a life. now gtfo u fuckin retarded cunt. gl2u
Its as simple as why ppl bet 7
too lazy to calculate the probabilities but it's because 10/3 = 3,5 which is the mean value of dice numbers whereas, the first one favours smaller numbers
Nop, it's got nothing to do with smaller or bigger, probabilities are the same... It's because of the way the numbers are combined, check my comment.
If you have one dice marked the regular way, the probability of the dice landing a 6 is 1/6. Even if it's close to it's not 1/6.
read carefully before u reply

your answer follows from this fact I stated
yep, u're right.. i didn't bother understanding what that 10/3 was... shame to me
The number 10 is thrown more often, bc of teh pwnage number.. :)
stop with this stupid matchematics, i have enough of it in school xD
Aaahh, I finally realize you meant dice. It's simple then.

It's because the probabilities are different.
For a throw like x, y, z, you get Perm(3)*Prob(A)*Prob(B)*Prob(C) = 3! * 1/6 * 1/6 * 1/6 = 1/36.
For a throw like x, y, y, You get 3 * 1/6 * 1/6 * 1/6 = 1/72
And finally, for x, x, x, you get 1/6 * 1/6 * 1/6 = 1/216

Thus, the least numbers repeat themselves, the more probable a throw is.

For 9 you have 3 xyz, 2 xyy and 1 xxx.
For 10 you have 3 xyz, 3 xyy.

Thus, since getting xyy is more probable than getting xxx, it is more probable to get 10 (but not by much).

For those who want the numbers:
Getting a 10: 12.5%
Getting a 9: 11.6%
ye i got to that without all the mambojumbo
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