
Goodmorning crossfire. Have to work 12 hours today argh :(
pfft, i got an assignment for wednesday and have i done any work? nope :(
Good Morning Jew
Haha ul. :D
muhhahah 8 only!!! mornings btw
mornings, LoL at ur IRC TAG!
morning:( its too early
good night all!
Yo, so nice to stand up for math at university at 6 o`clock. And what did I see, when I`ve browsed crossfire with nearly closed eyes like every morning? Tons of math journals..fuck off devil.
Goodmorning daze. Have to go to school today argh :(
Good Morning USA, I got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day
The sun in the sky has a smile on his face and it's shining to salute to the American race.
Oh boy, it's well to say: "Good Morning USA."
morning! I'm waiting on the opening @ WGPW
Morning, woke up at 8. Thought I'd skip the first hour, that's when you find out you have the first 2 hours off :(
have to work for 9 hours today :(
Morning \o/.. Haha I dont have go work ( HIHIHi 8D ) only to school to 17:30->20:35... \o

Drinking coffee now.. :O)
shit morning.
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