maths exam =]

i have a maths exam in half an hour anyone got tips for some last minute revising ? love
i hope you fail.
i hope you got a good mark
i hope to meet you in realife ;)
read all my maths journals and solutions :P
i have, but thats concentrated on probabilitys
what theme do u write today?
its an exam so it will be concetrated n on everithing in maths , pythagoras theroem ,probabilitys,algebra,angles bla bla bla
9th class of school?
pythagoras in 11th class LOL?
ask the english lol its there method of teaching im just following it lol
rofl in Russia we did Pythagoras in 6-7th class ROFEL
yeh me <3 maths tbh
search some some sites with exercises and solutions. try to find a clue how to solve them and afterwards look up if it was correct :o
rofl, I learned all that in 8th grade!

Now derivatives suck!
make some more :)

ps. and hurry pls, I have to go to school soon!
on probability theorie again? or something else?
dont have time atm have to go to uni but in the evening im here :p
just anything :)
no time atm sorry
Just remember 1+1=2+1=4
i knew that already =D
Then you will pass ze test ;P
yeah if he would forget that 1+1 = 4 and write 1+1 =2 so he would not definitely pass the test
Oh and i have math exam tomorrow, IM GONNA FAIL ::(
school for kids
Had a math exam today and i kind of already failed -.-
Some people want to do better things in life than sit and talk about what a day it's been for the enemy territory community ...
So what's the problem here? People sharing their knowledge about mathematics is a good thing.
definitiv whine
violy-wnb tbh
Second that. Some people here just can't stop flaunting and boasting their maths skills, I guess they must be trying to compensate for something.
We aren't boasting, we are just discussing amongst ourselves math problems. If you don't like it don't read it, but acting this way only makes you seem jealous (why you would be I don't know).

Here, I'll give you a defence for free, just say: "LOL while you are doing maths I'm outside having sex with girlz" and feel good but leave your shit out of here.
as the matter of fact i do like math, just don't like attention whores writing "look at me, i'm so skilled", irregardless of the subject
No, your ego states that was the case.

It wasn't, for some reason you think it was.
i don't rly see what my ego has to do with this? tbh i don't care if others are better then i am. but apparantly my comments make you think my ego was hurt reading these math threads. On the other hand these threads make me feel like people are boasting. our opinions differ, so be it...

Why are you trying so hard to justify these math threads aren't for egoboasting by the person who started it? got ego problems yourself maybe...
"maths is like learning a language. just learn your vocabularies n stuff (formulas) and u wont have any problems"
- some whise words from my mathsteacher
There's an alternative for that, but it requires thinking.
oh gosh, I feel sorry for you...
It's pathetic that you assume we only talk about Math to "put others down".

Why do you care really...
He's not talking about everyone posting in these journals, he's talking about people in specific (e.g. the ones making the journals).
I've had a similar feeling skimming through some of these journals.
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