big maetz?

I got my new pc today and when i try to play et i get 2 fucking fps, not more. Stable 2 fps!

I have amd 64 5600+, nvidia 8600gt, 2 gig memory etc. I have turned off vsync and so on

and another prob is that my cpu goes on 100 % almost all the time.

Anyone know how to solve this?
reset r_lastvalidrenderer
and you think that locks my fps 2 fps? oO
installed drivers ?
reinstall drivers, check your cooling system
it is coold as hell but still my cpu is warm

edit: or atleast i think so becouse its on 100 %
something wrong is with your CPU, yes im sherlock
directx installed?
Do you acctualy need to install that? isent that installed in the shop or smth?
dont think so...
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