i got 2 choices...

vista or xp? helft mir!

Vista pwnz ur memory and all :(
well, xp currently is more effectice than vista , it's mot customizeable and it's system requires less powerfull machines. it is abit wisely to wait few more weeks or months and buy vista, as it's version will be improved by the days
i wont be buying anything, i got a vista disk right by my side from a mate :XD
Nobody "buys" windows. Nobody. Also no person with sense uses Vista.

I installed Vista once, when the RTM was out. I bragged to everyone that I had vista for about 2 weeks till it came out then I realized "Wait, this is the worst fucking operating system I've ever used, and I've used Atari DOS", I then realized that noone was around to hear my brilliant tech related joke and continued to format and install XP. Now all went well for a few days but I realized I was being followed by some men from microsoft. I ran and I ran and eventually lost them but it was too late and they had already had the location of my house, thats when my mom got scared she said "you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air". I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and had dice in the mirror if anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to bel-air. I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie Yo homes, smell you later. Looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

True story, well partly.
I rly fucking lolllled here ;D
wise to wait a few years*
xp if you want to game a lt

vista if u need it just for school
XP ofc.
Ubuntu Linux if you need it for other than gaming.
Because it's good :-)
XP is old, Vista is the future
dont give him this bullshit, he might actually install vista, he's not very smart.
add me to your People who have promised to beat me up: list
xp believe me
Helft mir*
im not german is my extremely valid excuse!
omg :$ wubbish noob :D
look whos talkin!! ;)
okay format time, bibuy <333333
i have quad core n stuff but i got xp. vista has nice design etc., but its just fucked up :P
what about linux? :)
I can imagine sheep using linux.. boy'o'boy, that would be fun.
would nearly be as hilarious as nizous aim
even more hilarious imo.
fuck that, definately xp then
if u have 2gb memory.... take vista
fucking windows 98
I have a prehistorice dual-core and its ezi bash for it :O
vista in 2009
Dual-Core (1.8Ghz min , recom by me :D) + 2 gb memory => vista
Any processor + 1gb memory => XP
xp because i have no idea what i shall say about vista :p
take the beer! take the beer!
etqw is awesome
I dont know weither that was sarcasm

It could only be sarcasm , but you never know!

Plz tell me :D
oh I thought this was one of these cod4 vs etqw -journals. :(
sarcasm it is! :D
or he's just stupid? xD
or you are just retarded xD?
:( ok you beat me I's crying now.
XP for sure
xp. my it teacher says vista is sooo shit
xp, and after 1 / 2 years go over to vista, vista isnt fully grown yet =D
isnt that one choice?
"You have a choice: Vista or xp"
dunno, care, etc
xp rlly, vista eats to much of ure system
Vista becuz i loef the grahpix
the real question is... if u could take one person with you, and you had to choose between PAPA or MAMA. Who would it be!
thats deep shit man
dont do it sheepeh it sux
i got 2 choices : etbot or rshook ? makes me rly confused @ every team game ;/
Interesting fact: 80% of the guys here saying vista sucks havent even tried it.
Did you try eating shit ? Somehow u do know it sux

My point is, nowadays we have people that'll do that for us (the trying) and posting results so we can profit from it.
well people were saying vista sucks before it was released.
I tried it during the closed Beta and it sucked, I tried the open Beta, both release candidates and they all sucked BAD, I tried the retail version and it was even slower and less comfortable than the previous versions...
it might become good with SP2 or so. But for the moment I'd stay with XP
xP mike.. only xP counts !
pls die.... go get a fucking real operating system... get rid of microshit and get linux...

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