Montreal or Melbourne

I am currently considering where to go on my 9th semester here at uni; we are able to study abroad, and we are pretty much able to get all expenses paid.
So currently I am considering 2 universities:
- Canada McGill University, Montreal
- Australia RMIT University, Melbourne

Anyone got any experience from the two cities, or universities?
although both r big universities. i dunno which has "more money for their students and researches"
Go Montreal if you can handle the language-thingie there.
It is the fall next year.
what ever gets you going :)
Montreal is a reasonably nice city, quite large... Never been to Australia though, so it's hard to compare. :)
Weird dialects, eh? ;o
australia imo
to me
Montreal = cold
Melbourne = sun
Melbourne if you like kengaroos. //
RMIT University, Melbourne
im going to australia in january/february ;) but i really dont know... montreal could be nice too =)
Melbourne, it has a real nice city too :)
canadians are nice, australians are racists
right, based on what?
definitely Melbourne
Melbourne if you like kengaroos. //
melbourne obviously
Like you have that amount of money :>
My brother is currently doing his second year of a Marketing degree at RMIT. It is situated for the most part in the centre of the city, so public transport (trains and trams) are easy, direct and fairly reliable. The University itself however is probably not renowned its student life. The issue is probably partly to do with the layout of the campus, different sections are located on different blocks in the city and due to its location and subsequent cost of land there is not a lot put aside for student areas as such.

Melbourne as a city is quite nice. There are plenty of bars, clubs and pubs to keep most people happy. The public transport and infrastructure is quite efficient compared to the other major cities which makes commuting/travel quite easy. If you enjoy your sport then Melbourne is pretty good on that front with plenty of parks, tennis clubs, golf courses etc. as well as a teams in the national Soccer, AFL, Rugby, Cricket leagues. Another plus is that Melbourne is quite multicultural; there is a diverse range of restaurant cuisine (the Euro is quite strong against the $AU as well).

Although the water will be quite cold there are many nice beaches within two hours drive of the city and some nice scenery as well. The weather is generally quite warm in spring, we haven't had much rain in the last few years :x

Anyway this is a pretty biased view of the city, I quite like it. The University is not too bad if you are there to learn however the student life is perhaps not as good as some of the other Unis in Melbourne. Having said that, there are plenty of other opportunities to socialise outside it. If you have any other questions just ask, I live about 5 minutes walk from there :P
Thanks for the info, I might get back to you :)
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