more maths tasks

no, not now, coz i didnt find any one good xD

do u possibly have any good tasks?

3, cause of synergy effect
oh my god, i just dlld and watched the eu clanmovie 7 times...good old times...
i want that server back :(
2 if u r in euklyd geometrie, in not euklydgeometrie it can be not only 2 :p
It reminds axel of school btw, cause its really fucked up and boring
you mindreader !
1/0 = ?
not possible
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Each hit of my enemy does a random amount of damage from between 0 and 5200 to me. On average, how many hits do I endure in a battle in case I have:

a) 1000
b) 3500 HP? The battle ends when my HP goes below or exactly to 0.
Those are the most likely durations of battles - not the average durations however.
you didnt ask for average durations.................
Oh, crappy England by me then. I meant it with

QuoteOn average, how many hits do I endure in a battle in case I have...

first punch: 0,80769230769230769230769230769231%
second punch: 0,17387200443786982248520710059269%
third punch: 0,018435687869822485207100591715976%
fourth punch: 0,003175871927628584433318161128812%
fifth: too small to care

That means that the average is:

0,80769230769230769230769230769231*1 + 0,17387200443786982248520710059269*2 + 0,018435687869822485207100591715976*3 + 0,001587935963814292216659080564*4

So the avarage duration is about 1,2171 rounds.

Can't be arsed to do the same for b), my teacher might notice i'm doing something diffrent then looking information about pharaohs :X
Heh, thanks :D

This is how I initially understood it: the chance to survive the 2nd hit (and therefore the chance to die on the 3rd or 4th, or 5th etc)... is around

(1000 / 5200) [<- chance to survive 1st hit]* (500 [<- average amount of HP after surviving first hit]/ 5200) = 0.0184911243.. But this only tells the "chance to be alive after 2 hits" so it was kind of clumsy for this purpose.

But your way which I assume goes like this...:

Chance to die @ first hit: 4200/5200

Chance to die @ 2nd hit: 1000/5200*4700/5200
...Is better for this.

No reason to keep calculating after 4th punch since the error margin of the damage is around +/- 1000 anyway (it's from an actual game :P).
b) 1

Just use a panzer :<
write down pi =)

hf ^^
ok here u go:

3,14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679... oh i realized its not possible! :O

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