For the socialists/liberals

"The Norwegian party Venstre (socialist liberal) has proposed that all illegal file sharing should be legalized. They haven’t put much thought behind the populist proposal and the rationale is basically that since the music is there people should be allowed to consume it freely...

So, in response to this the Norwegian metal band ENSLAVED took a cab out to the Venstre party leader’s farm (he happens to be a sheep farmer) and "downloaded a sheep" with the same kind of motivation: free roaming sheep are available and should be consumed! The sheep was then brought back to the Norwegian parliament, quite an effective statement."

Actually this is quite old, but still makes me ROFL

np Farsot - IIII
Stealing and downloading ain't the same.
But hey, GO VENSTRE!
why, they're both theft imo!
There is a difference between stealing a book from a shop, than to copy every page in it, and taking the copies home to read.
Isn't it?
In the eyes of the law downloading a cd is the same as stealing it from a shop.
Not gonna stop me downloading though of course!
Yeah, but it still is quite far from the truth.
It's only a copy, it's not something you stole from someone!

Btw, the law has bad eyes then :<
ever heard of intelectual rights? you are not able to compose and sing your own song, you are unable to write so interestring novel. the authors are able and they dont want you to have it freely. its made by them... its a theft.

of course that doesnt stop me downloading^^
The damage for the economy is much less as the companies want to simulate us.

They calculate like, if I download a LP of an artist in an illegal way, then I had bought it without "Filesharing". But I guess this is only matching for 1 % per cent of the downloaded software/music.

The opposite is true, due to the possibility to download music for free, it`s much easier to explore new, good music, which u never had explored without this possibility. And if I really like some artist, I buy his LP.
why? you downloaded a song of artist A from the internet. if you like it, just download whole album, why you're buying it? =)
Because I like to have the orginal and I want to support the artists their work I like.
Duplicating the England sheep and taking the clone with you without harming the original England sheep would be OK I'd say.
downloading is illegal.
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