g5 + qpad ct ?


i just got new mouse "logitech g5".Its nice mouse!, but i've got one problem.I am low sens user if i want to make a fast move my mouse just fuck up...

g5 + low sens + 400 dpi
Qpad CT large 1,4mm

can you help me?
dont move your mouse
G5 worst mouse ever, believe me :) Don't buy laser mouses
I got a G5 (refresh) for 4 days now.
I have to admit, i didn't like it at first, i was used to my mx518 and the form of the mouse is slightly different, it didn't feel very comfortable at first.
Now i like it though, i guess it just takes some time to get used to it.

I'm a lowsens user to and i don't have the problem he mentioned, maybe the mouse is not working properly (guarantee!) or try to use higher dpi, dunno if it helps.

(I got a G5 refresh though, a "refreshed" version of the G5, which is improved in a few thingys (+ 1 more button!), i don't know how significant this is)
Gotta agree with this guy, I've tried alot of mice, if you're looking for a new mouse I highly reccomend the Razer DA.
You can't use low sens with a laser mouse. It won't work, it can't handle fast movement. Buy a new mouse, or go highsens..

P.S Could be your Mousepad, depending what color QPAD you have. Laser mice work best on monotone surfaces!!
what counts as highsens?
Well, all depends on the mat obviously, I mean I consider anything over 360 degrees over your pad to be heading towards highsens.. But obviously if you have mat anything above 40/45 CMs I'd say 520 over your pad or something... In ET I used 180 over 40cms and that was lowsens in my eyes. In CoD2/4 I use(d) 360 over 40cms and that's mid going high in my opinion. But people have different views on whats high and whats low etc.
i can do like 290 degrees over 45 cm, on my Razer Mantis Speed so i'm a bit clueless :<
Mid sens? I guess I'd call it that atleast!
should I use laser or optical?
If you're asking what mouse to get, I highly reccomend the razer deathadder. It's works with an infrared sensor as far as I know. Otherwise, I'd go with an optical mouse always about a laser mice. The response time of a optical mouse is faster than a laser mouse, lasers are just more precise, but unless you need to draw a straightline in photoshop(which I'm sure you can do anway) I'd stick to optical/infrared.
actually using an A4Tech X7 atm, not because of the hardware, just because of the feeling, don't think I will switch until' I find a mouse with a similar form.
I got lowsens + G5 refresh and i havent noticed any problems yet!
How low, is low sens, for you?
~ 40cm / 180°
Fair enough. All depends on your mouse movement at the end of the day. If you move your mouse too fast, your laser won't work. That's a fact. It doesn't work well at highspeeds, in ET, you don't need to spin all that often if positioned correctly, but in other games where 'flick' aim is more common, you'll find a problem. I can't say that you have had a problem with your mouse. But I can say, that laser mice to not work well at highspeed, that's a fact.
didn't know that, thanks for the information :o)
g5 on my nuke-z works pretty good actually
Dunno what a nuke-z is so I can't comment :<M
image: mousepad3

bought it once for 1euro on ebay :D
Looks pretty sik ;DD
My g5 works fine, but i don't use lowsens. Try to raise ur DPI and lower ur sens (dunno if it'll work)

edit: nev is right
I got G5 and Qpad CT 2
had the same problem with qpad ct, you wont be able to fix it.
what did you do :O? just buy a new mouse pad?
I got g5 and ultimat breathe x4 (very sucky mousepad for g5!). My sens is like 55cm = 240 degrees and Im still able to do 180 degree turns ENOUGH fast. :)
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