me getz new mAus

hello dear community, im buying a new mouse in a few days.
i have 2 options.

Logitech MX518


Razer Deathadder

im pretty sure that i will buy Deathadder, but plz post ur opinion, and tell me wich one is better in ur opinion and why. bibuy

(My mouse2 on mx518 didn't work after 3 months, and i love the DA)
how long uve been usin DA? nothing have broke yet? :)
I'm using it till May (and this summer i played a lot :p) and 0 problems.
lucky man...not like the other 100000000000000000 DA user with broken USB
oh ? didn't know there was problems :D
mx518 = sexy
Logitech MX518

Never heard anything bad about the Logitech mice and I did hear alot of shit with the razer mice. The Logitech MX518 also came out 2nd at the eSreality overal performance mice test.

Keep in mind that you dont need more than 400 dpi to play games properly. The button layout and the shape are more important and optical > laser. I know the MX518 can handle atleast 500 hz, dont know about the DA though.

MX518 is a bit more expensive though but I've been using it for over 2 years now and never had any problems with it.
wich mouse won the test?

and what shit uve heard with the DA?
MX510 or MX500 cant remember properly.

Heard the scrollwheel and the cable problem quite often.
DA won tbh :P
ok, ur comment solved my problem :) mx518 it is :) thx
You're very welcome! :)
Well, I've been using DA for well over 6 months now and I had no problems with it, the only mouse I could exchange it for would be G9 I guess ^^
you wont regret it!
mine is 3 years old and I'm starting to get problems (3 years on 500 hz)

Razer deathadder fo sho.
old and faithful, mx518. :=)
logitech deathdiamond5
mx 518 is good choise imo :>
I have both mouses and for me DA is much better don't know why ;)
MX 518 is a good choise where you can't do anything wrong with. I also played with razer deathadder. It's a good mouse, allthough in the end my mouse1 button often didn't work anymore.
mx518 is wonderfull
laser mouses suck
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