A really bad day

4 things happened in the last 24 hrs:-

1. We drew 5-5 (in a mixed) against german lowbies eLemenT
2. Got to my mailbox and saw the my car will cost 300€ more to repair than I guesed.
3. Went arount the corner from mailbox and saw my bike had
been stolen.
4. England lost and proved I really have to sell my passport on ebay...

This is gonna sound weird but the thing that bothers me most is the eLemenT thing....now that hurts.....
expected comment from a fellow loser xD
tbh, it wasnt sarcasm but ok,as u wish.
np m8, but it seems to be the trend :(
'd like to see eng @ec before russia, but mclaren is a cunt...and i still think that beckham is one of the best in eng nt
yep, ure right, but I think his days are numbered...wat a fuckin nomark....
didnt you quit a while ago? :)
Only from competitive gaming, but sometimes I play on public servers, sometimes even hours...and there will be a good fun cup in the Christmas period...

Also I worked for ClanBase as a Need for Speed Game Sup. and Cup Sup for a year....

I always followed eSports events here and on the other popular news and team sites...

And I can't wait for the designer guy and my bro' to finish my eSports site... it should have been up a month ago, but it will not start this year... :(
Scotland>Croatia? ^^
not really, but i love scotland!
Unexpected for an English man :D
i love wales anyway <3
That's the spirit
lol m8 just replied to your Journal but the admins are quicker....add me anyway...:-)))))))
What do we want.. "MOST-HATED"
When do we want it.. "NOW!"
no NOW NOW!!!
haha, poor you :(
I can buy your passport :)
i can buy yours

oh no, i dont want a picture of me in a gaming underwear on the passport
ööö ergggg "screeny" or it didnt happen
never happened, our little aryan have been just dreaming :)
and they would never believe you're finnish

racial joke.
sometimes everybody has such shit days where everthing goes wrong, happened to me already
Welcome to my life
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :((((((((((((((((((((((((((
this is MY bad day m8, stop stealing the highlights xD...
i kinda expected England to lose.. Any team bein managed by tht tool will end up losing
yup, but any team being managed by me should NOT draw to eLemenT...:-(((
4th isn't rly bad
the bike was stolen by?

The car was hit by?

I bet immigrants did btw.
:)) so true m8.....
was probably yourself... immigrant :O
twat, its your influences as a yerman that are spoilin yermany....öÖ
1. a yerman
2. a yerman

I blame cutty or wsk
i blame flying dj - he has that thief look about him
aye thats tru anall m8....criminal tendencies aswell I've heard-...
lol - where bouts in Uk you live @?
Liverpool born and white bread m8, but livin in Ger atm
Manchester > you.
lived in didsbury....didsbury>you .....wnb scally )
ok, it's my fault :(

hey wait... I didn't even play vs element :P
lazy fukka, thats why
I never understood that "yerman" thing. It it a wordplay or what?
yea good question that....will someone explain?
I can`t even find an answer with google. :/
me neither, I spent 4.32 minutes looking but no....I'll ask at the uni tomorrow...must be something from Freud.
In all constellations I search sth with "yerman" in, crossfire will be displayed. So it`s not a synonym for Germans/Germany in UK in general?
could be a new policy...unless u can explain "why" u say yerman then banned from buying cheeseburgers @mcdonalds....

ffs why does any name with mc really piss me off toneet?
Yerman = NAZI german, hence the pronunciation.

I think I remember some movies that makes jokes about it.
If Lehman had been the goalkeeper of England tonight, they hadn`t lost.
i hate u but ure right :-))
After a few minutes of schadenfreude, I started to miss England already. It`s just not so cool to kick out teams such as Portugal, Spain etc of the playoffs instead of England.
aye m8, it will be strange....wtf are we all gonna do? no england no fun/violence/arrests/red faced sunburned englanders...
need to support another team ...dunno which wud replace em tho :-(
Croatia look decent mate.
yep, was there in summer. the women look well decent but no twat could kick a football...xD
speaks volumes of the state the English national team is in atm :D
Indeed. I remember the last summer, when my friends and me were on Ibiza. 70 per cent of the tourists there, were Germans and British. Nearly all Germans were Bavarian, but us.

They are so fucking annoying. Talking all the time (in an accent they regard as German) how cool and what for party machines they are. But while those wannabes went to sleep around 2 o`clock, we and the British were celebrating until the afternoon of the following day.

While we are postmarked as an asocial fringe group for our intensity of partying in Germany, was it a normal average for Britsh teenager. Fascinating...
asi!!!!! xD but yea I totaly agree.<3
omg , you lost your bike +300€ and you QQ about ET ? nice life you has!
expected answer from a humorless yerman
sorry , lost all my homourz cuz i laughed so hard that england is out of ec :<
all in all: ownd :<
hahahha, cokeser most cute guy. :-DDDDDDDDDDDDD

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lol thx m8, it was only a matter of time till this big mouthed lowbie wud end up in my journal........
sob sob
Thank god that the worlds most overrated football team didnt make it =)
ouch, but well it can't get any worse anymore, can it :)

just one way and it's up
ok i lolled.
xedos always was our lowest player, thats why i kicked em out of our team at element. He is still fucked up because of that and now thinks he das to post such little whine threads all over the world^^

Besides that his german is worse than my english, even though he's living 10 years in germany, he's drunk pretty regular (Those who know em know what i mean ;-). With over 40 years he still can't accept that some kids are better at a computer game than him.

Now that he misused admin power on our server, used his friends forum accounts to insult other people and permanently flames whereever he sees a possibility, it is time for this:

Xedos, if you like, you can play a 1 on 1 against any 1 element player. You choose your opponent. We will have our ETTV server on and going so that everybody can see how you play^^

Here the stats of the game you lost:

Axis ndy 31 27 1 1 53 5 4452 4435 120 75
Axis bLITZ 23 29 1 2 44 7 3627 3558 486 67
Axis itsme!! 30 33 1 2 47 10 4072 5011 49 63
Axis wsk@jetlag 22 31 8 1 41 7 4727 3732 493 61
Axis porno! 32 29 3 2 52 15 4543 3515 249 57
Axis cZr. 11 15 0 1 42 3 1767 2299 114

cZr is Xedos

You dealt half the damage your teammates did...
And i have stats of about 50 officials where you really sucked. You never learned how to play this game and as i said before, your a big RL looser.

hf & gl^^
u mean the stats here the map goldrush...omg I really lolled...this was where I had to reconnect because of shite ping which I'm sure u remember...so...owned..and cuz of lag I didn't play half of allies!! ..get decent servers omg...
"Here the stats of the game you lost:" omg I'm lolling hard...we lost that 1 map out of 3 by a few seconds!!! b4 we almost fullheld you on flag wih 1.30 mins to go!!! oH lolz..

anyway...Have some points to make...
1. U never kicked me from anywhere, please dont lie, your tactics are so full of shite that I left of my own accord...which can be proved
2. Whine threads all over the world? Lolled I Lolled and again and again...
3. My German is worse than your english? I don't really care, I mean who really cares about this ??? lol I left school a long time ago and never learned german...congratulations.
4. Why actually are u posting this shite? U talk about a 1 on 1? lol I owned u ages ago in 1 on 1 and since many from your boon squad..ITS A TEAM GAME!! omg u really are stupid man...
5. Please don't make it public that I was in eLemenT...ok the secrets out, I don't know why I was there either. Have u noticed all ex element members don't admit this in their xfire profiles/journals???
6. We are still laughing at your pro rifler "booze" or wateva his name is, and how he flamed when bl1tz was owning him with a luger all the games...
7. Since when did eLemenT play a real official??? omg lol..thats why I left...

Shock, please do me a favour, accept that u are a public noob, accept that u can't make it to even med skill after 18 months in same team and give up et....

Btw... that shit game we played the other night...that wasnt iNmotions main lineup, as wsk just flew in from dom rep and I didnt play for 2 weeks as I'm building a qw team up and playing qw (have been since release), and our in rifler was not there...

rl loser??? lol....ring my boss or my gf...

ure a waste of space, accept public gaming or fuck off the scene cuz u sux...you failed with 1 squad now they let you fuck up another??..I've got copies from msgs in irc, servers and in ETTV that say this, please don't make me post em here in xfire :))

oh btw I must edit...
"thats why i kicked em out of our team"..I think you mean him.
"and now thinks he das to post"..I think you mean has.
"even though he's living 10 years in germany"..I think you mean has been living...
"whereever"..I think you mean wherever.
"your a big RL looser" ..I think you mean your'e a big loser
Right and my German is worse than your english...ok (I lolled twice more)

Face it baby...you are in eLemenT...aint that proof enough of being a loser???:)))Or better still, accept that you are in a fun clan and stop posting bullshite bitter comments..

And please post a pic of yourself here in xfire so everyone can see how dog ugly you really are!

My motto "move forward in life, in all that you do, and learn from the past"..I did it...learn from me...xD

TEAM Player Kll Dth Sui TK Eff Gib DG DR TD Score
Allies wsk@jetlag 29 31 6 1 48 8 4886 4727 111 140
Allies ndy 24 27 5 1 47 15 3717 5172 67 93
Allies bLITZ 52 52 7 0 50 17 6785 5348 137 67
Allies iNm-xediii 25 36 4 3 40 7 3998 4597 327 52
Allies itsme!! 35 39 2 1 47 12 4849 6471 92 52
Allies porno! 20 38 6 1 34 7 3179 4049 194 21
Allies Totals 185 223 30 7 45 66 27414 30364 928 66

or even..

TEAM Player Kll Dth Sui TK Eff Gib DG DR TD Score
Axis wsk@jetlag 14 18 4 0 43 4 2948 2967 49 159
Axis bLITZ 33 28 5 0 54 10 4704 2942 50 150
Axis ndy 15 15 4 0 50 8 2075 2718 58 147
Axis itsme!! 22 20 1 1 52 8 3003 3124 56 141
Axis cZr. 17 21 0 2 44 5 2541 2604 281 79
Axis porno! 12 22 2 0 35 4 2325 2367 36 72

yea i sucked...but not bad for someone who these days plays about 4 hrs a mth..bb hf gl
hrhr, i really wont read that stuff^^
but here your stats from the wars you played with element. The old element members are in the lineup so i guess you will remember them.

You owned just yourself when you played ET and you were taken out of the squad because of lowskill, thats all, here your old stats of all wars we played together, and my stats to compare them with out of the same wars ;-)

eLemenT'shock eLemenT'xed0s
Effektivität 51,5 39,8
Anzahl Matches 66 66
Damage given 3271 2218
Damage Received 2834 2361
Kills 22 13
Deaths 20 20
Selfkills 3 2
Teamkills 1,0 1,2
Enemys gibbed 6,3 3,6
Teamdamage 125 163
XP 85 53
Kill/Death 110% 68%

These is data from 66 Matches we played. You have stats from 13 - 20 in officials and that as a fops whose supposed to spawnkill. GG Skill^^
learn how to reply..

1.I really don't know why you get so upset. You were the one who started the flame on the server, you were the one who got personal.
2.I can't believe youve saved those stats from a year ago or more, and any one can doctor them.
3.I was asked to play fops from the start in that team, and this is "lächerlich" that I was complained at for not "keeping Arty on the axis spawn" all the time on goldrush attack. Or arty on maingate on supply. No airstrikes allowed.
4.Playing in a team with you at the start was my worst and most unfunny experience in et. I used to come to train and HOPE I didn't have to play. Thats why I left your squad, simple. Earth was much better. Now, sadly you have been allowed to destroy that also..Why do you think so many people don't like to play with you? Youve lost so many skilled people you are still advertising on irc for low+!!

Please realise this is a game, accept what I wrote in my Journal (which people sympathised with)..

about skill, Your last game on ettv was a Joke and everyone on ettv said so. Wish I still had that demo, of you always dieing on fullspawn..so please don't talk of skill......you talk a load of shite, end of story... bb
I <3 ET hunny :)
hehe <3....me 2
kk you want to have the console log of the war or what ? It was you who started to flame but this is really senseless arguing with you. i didnt flame anyone so plz stop telling lies...

Besides, you were even kicked out of earth because everybody was fucked up just because of you.

Stats just proof that you utterly sucked at ET even when you played active.

So plz read the things you write when (or should i say "if") your getting sober...

And who doesn't like to play with me ? We played with 1 lineup since you left the squad, and that more than a year. We visited lan's and know each other quite well.

Its really sad to get to know a person like you. You even misused forum accounts of your fellow clanmates who told you their private passwords, because they trusted you. You really don't care for people who once liked you and thats the poor thing about you. You shouldn't visit our forum every day if you so much dislike us. Just forget about us and leave us alone. Thx.
ffs LEARN how to reply RETARD!!!
see below anyway...
how to reply ?
Ok I feel it is necessary to write this for the "eLemenT" people who spam my Journal and visit my irc channel to flame.

This Journal, was called a bad day, and I included all the things in this day that happened that were bad!! The element thing was bad, as I was disappointed because we lost against a recognised LOW team!! Even though we were a mixed!It was meant as humour which the community understands..Don't take it so damned personal!! It's a game...

I have never in the past attacked personally anyone about real life. Shock, you made a thing about all this, you insulted me personally and insulted my German abilities which shows just what a total uneducated tosser and how low in real life you are.

I don't have to justify this to anybody, but about my real life you have abolutely no idea. That thing about "being drunk" was a thing I had with kevin and Sperla for a laugh.

If I get a shoutout http://new.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=41889 from a skilled known player, then I guess I can't be too bad can I?

Since the summer cup which we played successfully in, I stopped playing ET! The was August! Since then I have built up a very good team with people I can actually call friends! I am embarressed that I was in eLemenT it is true, as since then I have found how you can actually have fun playing games, and at a higher level than eLemenT will ever get. Playing in a team with you shock was hardly motivating, indeed when I left your team (my choice)! the next game I played was against you and we raped you. Since spike and mob left earth, there was no fun anymore and I already had plans to build up a new team. Which I did in like 2 months. Please read my comments in your forum 6 months ago that said I was going inactive, so don't lie.

If you really need the reasons about why I was disappointed drawing against you, then here you are.

(16:35:46) (+eLemenT`booze) haha yeah we are low / low+

or here..


I can't be bothered to search more, but almost every topic you open you get laughed at.I never said I disliked anyone in eLemenT, and I certainly don't visit your webpage everyday. I have also NEVER flamed eLemenT publicly or otherwise.
Shock I realise you are saying these bullshit untrue things to get people on your side, as no one really trusts you anyway, but please learn to keep personal comments out of my Journal or public. That goes for anyone else from eLemenT..

Thx for listening bb
image: pop gibs ihm shock image: pop

(possible spam? like all here ? like xedos ? wayne ...)
dunno who wayne is but hello tweety and welcome :-)
lol you have an irc channel ? i never visited but ok...

You told you would own and i showed you stats from when we played together which proofed that your statement was just wrong. Everybody can claim that he is higher then other players but you have to proof such things if you want to be taken seriously.

The reason why i personally insult you, is that you still just can't leave us alone. This isn't your first post on crossfire where you insult members of our clan. When getting insulted isn't a thing i would usually mind, i DO mind when you insult and tell lies about the past and the people you have dealt with.

As i told you and showed you, your stats really were the worst of the team. I know that, because i had made a pivot table which used data of my stats folder. Simple thing which showed me where the weak spot in our team is. Lowest damage and lowest kills and lowest xp = you. Plz just don't let us discuss this anymore cause its a simple fact which results from old stats.

You asked me why i'm getting upset about what you write, but you know that pretty well. I know that you like to provocate us. Why should you write things like "your boon squad" if it wasn't your intention to insult other people ? You insulted ALWAYS personally and your doing so on and on.

Best example was when you took over one of your old mates accounts in our forum and insulted me under his name. Why do you do such things when i did nothing to you and our last contact was months ago ? At least i would have expected you to apologize to the one who's account you used. He trusted you and had enough problems to proof that it wasn't him who insulted other element members (finally the ip lookup showed that it was you using his account).

You should thank me that i just blame the alcohol. I just can't find other reasons why people should write essays in the middle of the night (3 in the morning...).

If you think such things are funny, ask your former clanmate if he thinks the way you do about stealing his account...

The last game you saw on ETTV was, infact, shit. I played shit and some of the others did too, but ok, shit happens. Guess we were too nervous. But considering this game, it was the final of the league. So we played through many wars to get there and won against many clans. That just proofes that we sometimes manage to play good ET. If you insult us, you insult all other clans who regularly loose against us...

So i guess i have to live with the fact that you won't just leave us alone. This thread is just another proof of that. All you do and write isn't something that is connected to a game. Its a personal thing which shows that you are somewhere hurt.

I apologize if i did anything wrong to you, i never intended that, nor did anyone of our clan.
shock your talking the same old shit but nvm....I never stole an account anyway which I explained to Uther..for infos ask Uther, or for the real story pm me if it bothers u so much. There are lots of things u don't know about, believe me...which I find funny..

I really don't want even to discuss this anymore I am repeating myself..specially about my stats...proves wat a nerd u are and how my stats drastically improved when I stopped playing with your bullshite tactics...and if your stats are still only just over 3000 dmg, then I guess you really are low.

I never insulted any element in xfire, PLEASE SHOW ME A LINK!!, untill someone here answers this Journal, if fact I've stuck up for u many times against jago etc and more...only on the last ETTV game did I stick up for u and got flamed myself for saying element are "ok"..lol

About writing essays at 3 in the morning...omg, I work at the Uni some of my classes I teach don't start till 3 or later, next day 8 or so..., I don't have an 8-5 job wtf...AND lol u got 2 in your squad who were always drunk when I was there anyway, maybe they cleaned up :-))))))))))..You just personally insulted me again by saying "get sober"..wtf u know nothing, grow up please..

Like I said, u insulted me personally, theres no change to that. I never insulted any element person about some made up real life shit...ever...get over it man, it shows youve got nothing else to throw at me...I never liked u, in fact I despised playing with u, hated your standard "stand there and dont move" tactics, thats why I left your squad and enjoyed for a time playing well in another. Everyone in Earth was laughing at u at the time....Amazing how much I improved by playing with scream ghana, and spike etc, they were NICE guys !.....in fact I hated playing in only german full stop to tell the truth...! I only joined element because of an old friend and she was mobbed out because of people like u.

Get over this POST ffs, like I said, U are LOW, STILL after 2 years!!...inmotion is not after 4 months!!!!. I was disappointed at our result...even tho I don't play anymore..ACCEPT IT FFS...

Shit happens, invite all your minions in to comment/flame if u like, kinda funny how they all coming to an old Journal and keeping it alive!! Kinda explains your insecurites also :)) Can't u argue alone? I guess not...

Why not make a new Journal? That'll be funny...I don't need my friends to come in and argue for me...:-))

Now stop being an arse, try to act your age, use some form of intelligence and accept its a game and get on with your life...:)))) and I'm lolling at your shoutbox and intern posts :))))))xD
there's no one from element writing into this journal except me.
i won't write anything more to your journals. I apologized and you just flame and lie again. Go and look for some ppl who believe you. The guys who know you stopped doing so long ago...

BB and have fun writing journals to yourself in future.
because cokeser deleted his ^^..I never lie, never have, no reason to...Don't need to look for people to believe me, thats obvious^^

"BB" is at last a sensible thing you say, and as you may have noticed many people contributed to this Journal including the many friends I have in this community.

so BB :)))
These were the locked ip adresses of the Users account you stole:

IP is you,Xedos. We were able to track it, with help of PBBans. On the same day when you spammed and flamed at our forum with your mates account, you also played on ET Server iNm ( That server is streaming to pbbans. Thats why your IP was locked on pbbans too. So, the IP which posted into our Forum was the same IP that played on the ET server with your guids...

So much to the "i never lie" thingy...

bb xedos
how can I "steal" a fucking forum account???? I think what u mean is "used" a fucking account from a guy that gave me his password!!! And that post was a pure accident anyway, I never meant any disrespect to kevin...IVE EXPLAINED IT ALL TO UTHER FFS! OMG are u totally retarded?? I dont deny anything, never lied about anything, never did..get your facts right and I really honestly don't care!! Sue me :))

but.rofl thx for info....und nu???

Jesus shock, if all this bothers u so much, see a psychiatrist, cuz I'm starting to believe u need one..

nice to talk to you so long anyway m8, we never said so many words in eLemenT together :)))
But give this up its only entertaining me on my long lonely drunken hours xD and I'm absolutely flattered u spent so much time on this..thx m8 :x

but yea bb shock ....(bis Morgen) xD
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