mIRC problemo

Hello every1,

My mIRC gets haxed by my Virusscanner...
Because there is (my VScanner tells me) a file called:
not.a.virus.mirc. bla bla...

Any1 can help me?
I want to be WNB Quakenet spammor....

Random Lol?

image: hilarious-1
I dont know, but ill still write this
I dont know sry i hope other member can help you :>
So you dont know, but you still write this? xDD
I know there is a way to tell your antivirus not to check certain folders.
I'm sorry, i dont know the solution for your problem.
take antivir than it works
if u have a bouncer then it could be because ur host address is something like [email protected]

mine is @je.je.je

so maybe change that?

if u dont know what i mean then ill upload a pic
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