Chocobo Racing FFVII

I've been betting on the Chocobo Races for the last 30 minutes now (Rank B), won only twice. I conclude hereby:

Stupid, stupid illogical game !! I've always chosen the 3 best to win, but they hardly ever do. What the FUCK is it with this game where all those crappy birds win and th good birds loose. FUCK FUCK FUCK, lost so much money already but I need GP =<<
hi rhand!
i remember my whine too when ive played it last time :o)
Oh you newbies, everybody knows that you need to hold L1+L2+R1+R2 for faster chocobo and R1+R2 for faster stamina refill
Please learn to read, i've clearly stated that I bet on class B. Which means I don't "drive" the chocobo itself.
You sir, you are gay.
bet on your own chocobo ;)
Class B, I don't have a chocobo...
i always bet for the white one

its just plain lotto, get over it
Such a game shouldn't be lotto =<
lol i dunno when i played the game 5 years ago i was addicted to the gold saucer :D was like hanging out there for 2-3 hours a day when i played FF7
im you should go boxing or play the motor game ^^
Meh don't bother with the betting, you shouldn't need gp in disc1 really...
You can get a pretty awesome weapon for Aeris on disc 1 if you get more than 5000 points in the Speed Square. And you have to have GP to be able to play there. So hence I need GP on disc 1 ;-p
I know but really, are you gonna need it? Unless you're going for perfect game or whatever but I suggest you master the basketballgame thingie and make gp with it anyway instead of the betting.
That basketball thing sucks, tried it 6 times and only succeeded once :P

No, the betting is actually fun unless some shitty bird wins, cos then i'm annoyed. But when you win 150 GP with a bet, you forget all the bad things =D

And yes, actually I'm trying to go for a perfect game. I've started playing it 3 times (without this game included) and I've always quit before getting too far. This time I finally want to finish it, but because I don't have a lot of time (university) I'm using the Strategy Guide and I'm going for a perfect game =)
in my perfect game with all materia/weapons/etc the time counter couldnt get past 99:59:59... It just got stuck there :DD. Yeah that game consumes more than wow does.
(consider to play more than 150 hours for a perfect game)

my worst nightmare has always been chrono cross... that game fucking ruled as much as ff7, and im not talking only about replay value...
More then 150 hours? Hmm, I estimated some 80 hours of fun :P
But good, thats like almost twice as much FF7-time and what I've seen of the game so far that's just brilliant !
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