what a scandal


thanks for spoiling that harry will get married with ginny :< not worth of reading harry potter's anymore! MY LIFE IS RUINED

well that's all, thanks for you'r time and

plz you spoil even more retard.. plz remove journal admins or make a hide with spoilers ( idc cuz I dont read HP tho )
Hogwarts opens and Harry Ron and Herminone destroy all the Horcruxes . Snape is on Harry's side, killed Dumbledore because he asked him to (he was dying). Harry learns he is the final Horcruxes and when Voldomort tries to kill him actually kills a part of himself. Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Snape Dobby, Mad-Eye Moody and Hedwig die. Harry kills Voldomort with the elder wand (an invincible wand). Harry marries Ginny, and Ron marries Hermione.
agreed what a great book =DD
agree, read it out in 1 day ;DD i loved it, but could only see letter for the rest of the day o,O
started reading yesterday :) already page 208, im freakz0r!
I read the english version KTHXBYE HARRY DIES GL!!!!!
It was quiet expected if you ask me :)), I've read the book a few months ago, still the movies suck!
image: itrytoputon128389842783593750

harry potter will come back
rofl at picture ::Dd:Ddd
more hp fanbois wierdos ;o
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