What console?

Dear crossfire flamers..

I allready own a XBox 360... but now i can buy a PS3 (kicked from a truck) for 200 euro..
original, closed box etc...
But.. is it rly soooo much better then the XBox??

Dunno, buy & try it
once GTA4 will come out we will all have a reason to buy a PS3
GTA4 will also be realeased on the xb360.
If I had the money, I would go for the ps3, mainly cause of the metal gear, final fantasy, jack, grand tuorismo... and tons of other great series I cant remeber right now.

And to play online on a ps3 is free, you can also install linux on it!
grand tuorismo? o_O
grand turismo

Engrich skills!
buy for 200 and sell it for 500 izi
give me zeh ps3 pls
fuck yes it has mouse suport and garnd tourismo demo owns ;_)
buy it its very cheap fuck of whether the ps3 better is
buy a second xbox 360 lets it gather some dust, pour some water on it, set it on fire, and bury it, then it will be as useful as a ps3!
Well the specs are nice and you get WiFi, Blu-Ray player, mouse&kb support, z-axis controllers etc, gogo!
ps3 sux big time but € 200 is very cheap so ...

Buy it -> sell it -> buy a Wii

I hope this will help in your choice!:D
let me buy it off you for 250 euros
i would never buy a console cuz pc is much bettaaaaaaa

spend your money for your pc imo cuz then u can play games like crysis etc...and pc will never be out but noone will play ps3 in 2-3 years ._.
razzah, your pc parts you buy wont play a game in 1 year released today with above 100fps.. and u will hate it because every1s pc is better and has advantage meaning u have to upgrade

ps3 will last 2/3 years and u get blu-ray... and lets u play ut3 etc... with mouse and keyboard + puts every1 on same level

k pc is still better for fps

but for everything else = console :)

nuff said
hm yes u r right :)

^^ everything is good in his way...
360 is miles better.
ps3 is statistically better i suppose. plus 360 is a microsoft product = more things go wrong with it than the england football team
depends, I'd say yes.
I just bought a ps3, and assasins creed!

I also had to buy a 22" hd tv and ps3 looks very nice, and can b used as a computer if you install windows (or whatever you prefer) , and it is extremely powerful
Geif assasins creed to PC >\
oky (gajf)
I think PS3 would be a good choice imo if your into games like Metal Gear Solid & GTA.

MGS4 Guns Of Patriots looks REALLY good tbh
i never had a console :(
xbox 360 because of halo 3 !
have you ever played halo on the consoles?

i dont really see whats so special about it, its so slow =<... its only fun when you have cars and drive around with ppl on the guns VROOM VROOM
have i ever played halo series at consoles? ... ermm, i played halo 2 since its release..i played it about 2 years ( in xlink ( online thing without live ) and in live )..so i think i know what i'm talking about :) i played lot of clanmatches and its so much cooler than any ET match. So yes, i have played halo on the console and i love to play it.

edit: and i playd halo 1 also, but there was no live thing at that time.
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