
Why is their anus always so clean ?

Do they clean it with steelwool every time they used it or something ...

rly can't understand
they dont poo!
made my day:D
made my night, cause i just read it now :D
must be asswasher addicts
watch 2girls1cup to change your opinion!
i posted a video " Pain olympics " to prove that 2girls1cup is not the most gross thing ever , then i got banned for 3 days

so i'm not gonna do it again
most disgusting video i ve ever seen

fuck 2 minutes ago i was thinking about making some pizza because i was rly hungry and now...................... -_____-
maybe they wipe
They remove the shower head and put it in the ass...that`s the way they clean it.
.avi or it didnt happen! :D
Just believe an insider. :D
I want to be a pornstar! :<
they leave the showerhead on imo, np4them
They just clean it rly good with some nice toilet paper
you should try ^^
they have enema before the show
Didnt you know?
Hot girls doesnt need to poo.
mmm how do you know they are different from yours? xD
lol de sneeek

aan wa denkt gij toch allemaal man (dutch)
my pornmovie of choice would be :

5 minutes of hardcore anal sex followed by about 50 men cumming in 1 big bowl followed by her drinking it all.

and yes i am sick
dronk Jana da ook graag op ofwa?
die tuft da meestal uit , ma da maakt geen reet uit ;) klig dan toch na te genieten mar af en toe ging et wel is doort keeltje ja

mar gene liter e :D

ik zien nar dinges dak zelf ni kan , zoals anale seks ( piemel te groot :( )
lol hoe zegdet toch allemaal

gij zij nen drogen zé :D

verkeerde der eigelijk nog mee? Of heeft CoD4 de relatie verziekt
ja , die zit op kot dus ... np4cod4
somebody needs to get laid
i already got laid before u found out ze internetz
you fucked your goldfish ?
zijt ge echt zeker da ge ne flamewar wilt beginne tege mij ?

zijt gij trouwes die pukkelkop dak op den eerste fom gezien heb ?
lal hahah , nee ik ga niet na dergelijke nerd events
dunno but
it s so clean like my profil :D
Douch it/Enema out and get it bleached :)
maybe they do makeup over the poo?
they clean it ofc... pm healer for the specifics. He knows that shit, he's a real pornstar
quote sneek:
jerked off 10 times in a row
Jerked off 14 times in a 3 hour timespan
Jerked off 16 times in 1 day
and still keeping my girlfriend very happy ;)
- I guess she´s happy because she has nothing to do with it
ignorance is bliss

Quote SneeK

pm EDiT`*** for more infos on my sexlife
ahm, shower? :0
Girls never shit.
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