
prague, czech
Im planning to go with some mates to praque in the summer , is it nice?
i haven't been in too many countries, so prague is the best i can remember.

if you're going there with your mates on a vacation to get some fun, it's gonna be excellent, especially in summer. did it in summer last year, spent a week there.. it was amazing (well, except we had to pay 300 EUR for being a bit dumb and driving 2 of these full of alcohol through hotel entrance to our room :P)

if you're gonna be there for sure, remind me before summer and i'll tell you some nice places you can go to, there are a few nice discos you shouldn't miss :)

hehe nice , thx for the info's :) , I will remember you before the summer.
it's a nice city... with some cheap nice restaurants if you find them :)
ROFLOL living there, i love it <3
paris .. i guess
bjurhovda, sweden.
paris for me too
vacation or lan ?
some 3-4 days school trip
haha then you went there to see some museums ? :P
it was alright actually, had a lotta free time anyways
good to hear, hope you'll enjoy your future trips over there as much as you did :)
ofc i will :D possibly be there in spring again, once more with school :>
I hated France, they were all cunts to me.
had no need to talk to them(not that i ever learned any french), but it in deed felt weird to have to pronounce "cheeseburger" as "sheeseburgur"
I walked into a shop in paris, and tried my best to explain what I wanted with my limited French I learn at school. Half way through he decided to interrupt me and tell me he could speak English. So I thought great you know, this will be much easier now. So I start talking in English and he just replied in French again and laughed. So I told him to fuck himself and left. Dunno if they just hate English people, but theyre right cunts if you ask me.
i dont think we germans are better off when it comes to french people and maybe i was just lucky that i didnt meet any french pretending to speak english
it was someone near a farm, there was a old shed, i went there at 4 AM or so, because of the leoniden meteor shower, was a few years ago, not actually the best place i've been but it was beautifull at that night.
minus the 12 fags
Sundsvall, Sweden.
San Fransisco, New York, Las Vegas, LA was nice too but not as awesome as the 1st 3.
croatia, berlin or prague
or venice, but I've only been there for one afternoon.
i once left my house... that was a special moment
Too many :)
belgrade xD
Chile and Rapa Nui Island
my computer room
Why would you pay hundreads of euros to have 7 day vacation in some jungle or city? Just buy new 320GB HDD and download some nice nature documents :$
haha good one!
The grasslands, Tibet <3
amsterdam is lovely, and base camp @ soelden during summer for snowboarding is quite a good place to hang out at 8)
your mothers house.
is there something else than ET? =(
disneyland paris! :D
perth, australia
Fosho, e-cool guy
Madeira - Paul do Mar
paris :)

edit: well, also mexico and sri lanka were good

edit2: yea, i was in rome too (for one week)...it rained allday :( except on the last day: 2 hours sun :D also had to get in queue in front of the vatican museum...2 hours in this fucking rain!
and well...venice is a very nice town btw! i really want to go there again :)
oasis xD
Singapore. So cool, but so hot :D
i just went to london twice, and the second time with my mates was great :D i'd suggest malta for the summer tbh, it's a nice place rly :o)
loekinos love island

no srsly

vienna, austria

rly, rly cool town (if you are there with friends ^^)
St. Petersburg impressive somehow!
my dreams...

i dont need to go places, i can create anything i want all in my head!!
wiiii \o/
Nintendo Wii? :X
no, way better than that ;)
ik weet niet of je bekend bent met het verschijnsel lucide dromen...
je bent je dan bewust van je droom en als je echt extreem pro bent (als ik) dan kun je je dromen controleren; met een beetje creativiteit kun je jezelf verschillende krachten aanmeten (vliegen, onder water ademen, onzichtbaar worden, gedaanteverandering etc.) Zelfs eigen muziek luisteren in je droom is mogelijk! :)
barcelona with school :o
Berlin, Loveparade !
I went to Iceland once and it was awesome. The landscape is so unique you can just sit and watch it from your hotel and be pleased with your trip. It's also a pretty unusual place to go so it feels kinda special to have been there :>
Italy with friends.
Places im gonna visit someday : australia, finland, croatia, south afrika
rocky mountains
dublin was nice
and whole west-austria during the winter -> snowboarding
Dubai & Indonesia
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