etqw:pro's future star

Well, today i've happend to read through "etqw:pro" forums, and i've found it quite funny how 1 person considers 'pro' meaning :DD

look@ all posts by miedsegadse

What do ya think ?
i think qw sucks and nothing will save it
i thought you think it's AWSOME ;o
couldn't hold it anymore
copy paste or it never happened
reaction @ takens' post about future improvements @etqw:pro :

Quote"-Add more gun deviation to people jumping.
-Give pistol/blaster slower fire rate or less ammo and make it more precise
-Decrease deviation for people strafing
-Decrease mobility for GMPO-thing and hyperblaster or add diviation when not proning"

This is totally bullshit! If you do this, there is no fucking speed in this game and you will completely destroy the best thing on this game!

"Volcano: Change last objective to plant or build, Change defence spawn time to 30"
You should not change the last objective, this is a really cool objective! You just could make it easier to complete!

"Island: Remove heavy vehicles - just dont think the heavy vehciles fit in on this map as the combat is inside on all stages."
Rubbish! Island is good with heavy vehicles!

"Refinery: make MPC indestructible and make it escort (and not moving while someone is in the gunner or remove gunner)"
Rubbish! You just have to add things to make it easier if you would it so, but just hacking and planting is boring and just too short!

"Sewer: Remove heavy vehicle spawn on 2nd objective, make defending team spawntime 25 or 30 as if strogg vs gdf is balanced"
The heavy vehicle spawn on 2nd objective is good! You just have to make the Cyclops a little bit weaker!

"-Remove more spam elements from the game to produce more infantry fights and attract w:et players. APT and AVT would be my first pick and find a way to balance the heavy vehicles in a better way. Not saying they should be removed, but they should have a lesser part of the gameplay."
Totally rubbish! You just have to limit these!

"-Auto recording of demos."
Bullshit! So after 10 games my hd is full? If you want to record a demo, you can type it into the console. If you forgot it, its your fault and good.

All in all you just dont want ETQW:Pro, you want ETQW:Inf. And thats not the target of this project!


If you cant jump anymore cause u want to hit sth, you are slower. Or not?

Yes, if anyone forgot to press F12 you will lose. But on my HD is just a lil bit free. So i could not record any demo from anything. From a war, ok, but not from anything...

You are from ET, right? You just want ET. But this is not ET. ETQW got vehicles and this is good! Im from the BF2 Scene and if i want to play a game without vehicles I would play COD4 or sth else.

In my eyes, the target of the promod is to improve ETQW, not to change...

Another improvement: Make people after revive not so long unvulnerable. So 2 GDF can revive another, a strogg player shot them down, so the revived player cann revive the other, and so on.
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