Bah =(

Yet another day i just couldnt fall asleep..... been out walking for 2 hours with my father but didnt get any tired from that either so anyone have any good movie tips for me?
Watch "Dr Strangelove", "Night On Earth" or "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas" - fun guaranteed.
Dr Strangelove what a classic =)
oO Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas! :D
I have those nights aswell, when It's just impossible to fall asleep. So so so, I would be able to recomend you a load of great movies. But I can only give you two.

Heat from 1995 with Robert De Niro and Al Pachino and the new Futurama movie, "Benders Big Score".
Bah seen both, i liked the futurama movie =)
Good taste I hear! But how about M. Night Shyamalans "Lady in the Water"?
Havent seen that one, i will give it a shot thanks.
1) watch 'deathproof'

2) Eat something like meat w/rice or w/e - get some valerian-nerves-tea from your local drugstore - . might cost a bit but it's quite ok :-)

roll a joint, cook, eat, clean up, drink a tea, roll another joint, fall asleep
Sleep now are you nuts.
You might try this in the evening aswell!
listen to Cat Power - The Greatest
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