razer deathadder+icemat

K sorry for making myself look like an complete idiot that has never heard of google

but little time cause i have to leave in 2minutes to pick someone up then in ~40minuets ill be back for like 2minutes and then ill leave for that stupid game-expo thing which im seriously NOT looking forward to lol

but yeah does the deathadder work fine on glass/icemats?
cause im thinking about buying 1 of they sell 'em there

hmm from what i remember.. the stupid thing didnt work correctly on glass but i could be wrong cause blabla long time ago :>

oh yeah i guess that this matters too... lowsens i use the whole pad for a 180

some answers within the next 40minutes would be nice :>

lol quick edit: i already HAVE the icemat so idc if it works fine on any other (cloth) pads
k brb
buy a qck+, i has both, and it owns when playing minesweeper
haha, minesweeper > et @ least with cheaters :P
I got copperhead + razer mantis control ;>
works perfect on glass... just be sure u update the fw.
deathadder + qpad > all
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