Crab (:D:;D::DD:dd)
26 Nov 2007, 20:37
Can anyone post the pic with this BIBUY crab or whatever it was, where he was talking to a kangaroo?
kthx :D:;d:D:dd
kthx :D:;d:D:dd
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
Anyway, you, dear admins can ban me or whatever. But I've never tought that you support such scumbags as VessaR and other "wannabe European" or whatsoever they want to be to backstab any other race.
It's just sad that everywhere get banned patriots, but not communists or any other marauder ( Hi, Dunno and your cool parents! ) bitches.
Was great time to be with like 10% of those who knows what means occupation by VessaR and Dunno, and Vinyl, and company parents.
Okibibuy & stuff!
this is best imo