Developer-publisher Eidos has revealed that its new studio in Montreal, Québec, first announced earlier this year, has opened its doors to the public, and the company is inaugurating the facility with the announcement of its first project: a third installment of the futuristic first person-shooter/RPG Deus Ex.
I tried Deus Ex because people said it was good. Never figured it out tho :D Maybe I was too young back then.
rofl same here :) I liked it but I was only 11
Deus Ex (the original first one) was a really good single player game, probably one of the best of its time, I tried a few years later the second one but didnt liked it that much ....
Not made by Ion Storm = bust
I finished Deus Ex 1 and I liked it. Didnt know there was Deus Ex 2 tho :S
the 2 was crap anyway
first was bestest
Deus Ex 2 sucked, 1 was pro though.

Deus Ex 2 was too painful to finish though, so I can't speculate as to what 3 will be about.
installed deus ex 1 yesterday... have some strange lags :D
every 10 seconds the general speed of the game goes down, so for 3 seconds everything feels like in slow motion.
Deus Ex rocked!
Deus Ex 1 is one of the best single player games I have played
should play DE2 some time :)... and 3 will surely be good
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