HI crossfire

whats up?

it was 27 degrees 3 and half hours ago (9:00am) sooo i'm going to go for a swim now heheheeh

i guess its late at night for you euro's soooooooo late night spam thread kGO lol


bbiab an hour.
3 am here and -1°C. I just finished my math tasks. Gonna brush my teeth and go to sleep then.
lucky for u cold here :( bed now bibuy
lol, its snowing here :'(
23:10 pm hour here in chile, oh brother
and like 32ºC oh dam spring
swim was awesome!

going to go entertain myself somehow watch a movie or something.
4.30 AM and its snowing :(
australia is awesome
Lucker :( I just woke up and it's 2 degrees outside :(
HAHAHHAHA, u got owned lololol
- 10 & snow all day long...
its -14c here yeyeye... Slept 30min.. Im gonna die.
fuck its still 25 degrees and its 21:00

FCUK gonna go for another swim or something ITS TOOOOOOOO HOT :<
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