Eng Vs Pol
27 Nov 2007, 18:46
whiich country has the hardest laggzors?
The Most unhittable country.
1. England
2. Poland
The Most unhittable country.
1. England
2. Poland
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
whats stronger?
a mouse or an elephant?
poland !
everyone sais its from bad netsettings or lag, but people call me unhittable though i have 48 ping (stable) and 100 maxpackets...
straf once was here too and played with my pc (normally he has 120 ping) but still everyone who knew him called him unhittable...
everyone just making a fool of himself, saying that there is unhittability.
maybe in very few cases there is, but then its more a bug then a problem with the net.
every case when i wasnt able to hit someone i watched my demo again and i saw that i simply wasnt aiming at him, though it absolutelly felt like i would ingame.
normal cfg's on etpro fix that.
No doubt about it, English are laggy motherfuckers.