Eng Vs Pol

whiich country has the hardest laggzors?
The Most unhittable country.

1. England


2. Poland
o.O poland ofc, croatian being a close second
england 2nd? lol? spain, portugal, israel, poland, maybe hungary too... england is fucking not
finland and croatia?.??
thats like;

whats stronger?
a mouse or an elephant?

poland !
1. England
who cares about laggers, unhittability doesnt exist :/
umm... I think you are suffering from the placebo effect
really, no one is unhittable... :/
everyone sais its from bad netsettings or lag, but people call me unhittable though i have 48 ping (stable) and 100 maxpackets...

straf once was here too and played with my pc (normally he has 120 ping) but still everyone who knew him called him unhittable...

everyone just making a fool of himself, saying that there is unhittability.

maybe in very few cases there is, but then its more a bug then a problem with the net.
That's not true.
but thats what it feels like.
every case when i wasnt able to hit someone i watched my demo again and i saw that i simply wasnt aiming at him, though it absolutelly felt like i would ingame.
if ur used to hit ppl, u know when somethings not right
biggest bs on the net
Unhitability does exist but I've experienced it only once in my life when there was this guy on some etpub server years ago, who had some strange kind of lag. I was shooting straight at him and no shot hit him. His movements looked like short-distanced teleports although he had no problems with shooting. Usually ppl whine about "omg nub unhitable get packets ffs" when they either missed cause of their own fault or someone was lagged and ONE bullet missed. Real unhitability is far more annoying but afaik its beyond the netsettings allowed by CB.
yes, but thats a bug he used to get this lag or w/e
normal cfg's on etpro fix that.
England, but only if using virgin media in Leeds...
Please, I'm on pipex in leeds.
Polish ofc
Israel, Poland, Spain and Portugal have crappy connections. English people and yermans are famous for artificial lag with maxpackets 40/60/63

No doubt about it, English are laggy motherfuckers.
poland omg
Poland and some engelsmans! :D
Finland and Poland (israel players got a highping but they arent warping -.-)
Netherlands are for me the most lagging country after nl comes Belgium
Finland finland... no doubt, possibly Portugal portugal
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