
Do you guys do it? If tell me whats your favourite tobaccos, and have ever somebody tried it with milk, or with other liquids?

flame oon

p.s im out of coals :< poor meh
tried once, pretty fuckd up myself with some dudes :< never again!
we did it with with 1 g , and poured vodka in instead of waterr
it wasnt bad first, until we r started vomittin XDD
mm does the vodka matter cause you dont drink any right? And 1 gram shared with some people shared is like not too heavy i think.
yeah 1 gramm isn't that heavy but that was my first time with it, its different when its alkohol in it. but it isnt worth it. its better with milk the taste gets a little creamy, :]
ye anyone shouldnt do too much weed for the first time. I remember when I first smoked a pure joint. I had smoked before but still i was a bit overwhelmed by the effect and it was totally different than taking some hits and feeling relaxed.
i had the sensation i could fly, and my vision got fckunig blurry.. after some time i couldnt stop laughing.. but never hallucinated anythin or so.
worst thing i had was feeling vibrations around my head and chest everywhere and i coulnt really talk anymore, it costed alot effort so i didnt talk.
these things sounds similiar too... im not a hard user, max only at parties, i rather stick with just pipeing :D
I wanna do it once, with weed ofc.
I've bought mine a year ago, always smoke it with those fruit tobaccos, pretty nice 8]
yeah fruit flavoured tobaccos, much better, i tried cola flavoured its sucks. my fav is kiwi, and coconut yours?
try lemon and hot water, its like drinking tea :D
strawberry, cherry, coconut, banana, lemon
bought like 2kg's in total, costed 5€ (in turkey), here it would be 5€ for 50gr
i havent tried strawberry, but i think i should consider tryin it:D

edit: my pipe is a lil smaller then yours but i like the colour XD
cherry is the best!
hasj and scottish whisky
just smoke weed, don't be so difficult.
do it quite often with an empty icetea bottle... pure weed, just water.. like to try some tabacco with apple taste orso..
Imo, it's best with milk and 2 apple tobacco is the best. We mixed it with coconut tobbacco and it was nice also : )
Everything mixes with peppermint :D
what alternative filling do you propose instead of just water?
milk, tea, lemonjuice ofc then use lemon tobacco,
mh is it easy to clean if you fill these stuffs in?
hehe sure. but if u use milk, mix it with a little cold water then its fine
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