
I wanna buy some stuff for my PC.

- Headset
- Mouse
- Mouse Pad

I got 100€

Give me some tips plz.

Thanks in advance!

mouse - mx518
Pad - Qck+
Headset - some random
-mx518 OR g5
-everglide titan
buy cod4 bot and fuck up that game :D
I heard netCoders is alrdy making / selling CoD4 test hacks.
I would buy a Logitech g5 + Razer Mantis control , It will cost you around 90 - 100€
Huh. :)

I got Logitech G5 now. I had Razer Matnis Speed.
Didn't work at all. Same was with Steelpad QcK+.
I have a Logitech g5 and I have this pad for over a year now and Its still working perfect :)
A lot of guy said that G5+Steelpad QcK is the best combination. But it's the worst. I can't move my mouse bit faster cuz it's lagging and stuff. With my razer mantis it was a nightmare.

I had a SpeedLink battle pad for 15€ and it was perfect. but broken :<
Ye its definately the worst lol , ye the SpeedLink battle pad is also nice to use with the g5.
G5 + icemat = rape
nice flag stealer...
razer copperhead + revoltec light pad + a headset by speedlink :D
buy logitech g5 + razer mantis speed then go to get some more money from your parents and buy icemat siberia black edition :)
- Some Sennheiser Headset
- MX518
- Icemat
Dildomat 1.5.7 CD included, fuck yeah!
razer lachesis ~55e
logitech g11 ~60e
qpad lowsense ~25e
sennheiser pc-161 ~85e

get 100e more and buy those.. best what can you get

-logitech g11

lachesis, qpad lowsense, sennheisers... :) those are so imba
Romania adze low+ max, np
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