css - need help

just installed css again

Every time i want to join a server it has to download stuff (obviously, after i deleted it it has to download maps/headshot sounds etc) but it stops every time on a certain point..

is there something blocked so i cant finish downloading or something? like /cl_allowdownload 0 in ET? :D

halp meh :(
Is css dying as well or is it still alive?
yep, is dead man !
lol css and dying? xD
div#cs:s {
background: #fff;

div#alive {
color: #000;

div#dead {
color: #fff;
my problem is that i downloads the "godlike, ludicrous etc" sounds EVERY TIME AGAIN
cl_allowdownload "0"
joden uit 020
a lot of servers use their own sound and stuff so yeah you have to download it :(
ye okay, but every time my download just stops in the middle of the process
cl_downloadfilter "nosound" none or all none means nothin neighter sounds or maps... all means everything downloadable and nosounds is just no sound
np: Cansei De Ser Sexy - CSS Suxxx
downloadfilter "nosounds" or something like that
cl_downloadfiler "nosouds"
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