New SK Site

Although there is a few issues to still be resolved, new SK site is up.

Any opinions would be appreciated.
way uglier than before
Too much "blink, blink". Not simple enough. It just looks like the other 32940329049230 clanpages, too.
Maybe, but the SK logo makes it more pro than the 32940329049229 clan pages.
nothing special imo
Yes, but I think the site is not bad... but the old one was better :P
i havent noticed the previous one, but i dont like majority of mgc sites
true, sucks as PGS, YXXYYYASDDJ Clan and all the others... >_<
PGS rox as cs team but their site stinks. like every bigger multigaming site. i dunno why but all of them are fcking ugly, god damned :/
yup, and I dont like their site as well. maybe Im still stick to these simple sites of single clans from one game. these mgc sites makes me nervous because of many things, i can't find out anything there
i think its the best from those big clans :)

Maybe web2.0 passed the way around poland? :p Simple might be good, but complexity doesn't make it bad aswell
of course, but it's also depends on personal liking
Do you think crossfire is more simple or more complexity?:P
having a website growing together with it's organisation is a VERY important thing to take care of nowadays, internet is (yes you can laugh) now a real, serious and solid buisness for these organisations which rarely make money out of their own products.

Having a big, known and active website can easily help a organisation to earn money trough many services such as the advertisements or the special features (the sk-insiders in this case). And this money often (but not always) help the organisation ANd the sport in general to expend.

So even for you, who likes the simple team's pages, it's a great thing. I don't blame you, after all it's a taste matter .. but still you should look at those big website from another point of view .. seriously :)
I understand all of this, I know they have to show their sponsors, teams roosters, news for community and all this stuff, and it's impossible to contain all this things in a simple site, Im just saying (like you noticed) that I dont like that style :) but I'll have to get use to this :P
- header background destroys the whole site
- All Games, Counter Strike and so on navigation hover is way too bright
- Team presentation and most pages look like >insert what menso said here<

other than that, it seems kinda nice (the try to have a nice navigation) but the mym page still rocks much more than this

overall: didn't do what such an organisation should do
I had a hard time clicking on those thumbs down to hide all comments :XD

Needs reset to be honest, or the number of negatives to be more instead of only one.
Thumbs Down Given: 80

142 now :D:D:D:D::D
i got banned :<
=D not me! I didn't mind it simply because we had raised the issue for some time and it had been ignored, so good test of the site really!
taken banned my account here.... -,-
I'm not an admin but I know he doesn't have the power to ban people! Not sure why you replied to me though.
who/what is sk-gaming oO

never heard..

omg and the sponsors
newschoolers + they hax...move on...nothing to see there
Most successful eSports team of all time. Plays WC3, CS (male and female), WoW, Dota, FIFA and used to have some of the best Quake and death match players of all time (stelam, toxjq etc etc).
+ have evan writing for them
There were even a Documentation about them in the German television, focus tv or spiegel tv... dunno, but i saw it.
old was better imo.

i like the simple Navi, but there is nothing special
tbh, I dont like sk advertising on this site. enough people already know about it :/
previous one was better
here's an opinion:

I don't give a fuck
too many big fonts and big boxes tbh, would rather have smaller boxes with smaller fonts - easier to browse and get overview over.
unban my other account, i know it was u!
all i like is the top, rest is just so not-original
looks nice and @ chosen: MYM always have amazing pages:)
for a company such as sk i expect much much MUCH more, this one looks like a unfinished site.

Definity not made for a commmunity as big as the SK one, the content part just 'sucks'. the way the news and the general features (blogs, forums and so) are presented is a pretty bad choice, very short introduction of the feature's content, very small font ..

For a website that host such a amazing amount of content, they should have though much longer about how to present this content and how to make it as easy as possible to acces.

the only part i truely like is the header/menu one, but it's just a graphic matter, nothing amazing there.

To resume even if it's called 'beta', a world known gaming company shouldnt release such a shit website.

(i'd have been much more accurate if i would have wrote in french)
Yeah well, I had a lot of ideas, not all of them were integrated and a lot of things were changed last minute. Some of which made it worse in my opinion.
it's just a big, big fail from the SK organisation. Still, it's a beta, i'm not gonna make a final judgement on something that is still at a beta stage but actually im seriously laughing about the web company they choosen for this task
Web company? bds did the majority himself, just like v3. Think only some of the graphics was done by others.
The wow guide for 3on3 arena sucks the person who wrote it is clearly mis/uninformed.
hard to understand too :P
the person just has no clue what they're talking about RMP is countered by warrior double healer and druid/lock/x (x being rogue/warrior) 3 dps teams get absolutely destroyed, all offensive teams infact are useless against RMP unless you get lucky dropping the priest, which is very fucking difficult (casters virtually impossible, double melee doable but very very difficult not worth it).
haha, sounds cool but it's all chinese for me :)
Yeah, his former team joined MYM, so he must be very misinformed indeed! I think it's more to do with audience rather than him being stupid or wrong.
MYM are sponsored nothing more.
Looks unprofessional. SK should have enough money to hire a descent webdesigner. However I have yet to see a clearly arranged clanpage...
This website displays 5 news items above the fold of the site which is fine for an average site but not for this demographic of user, nor this concept of site.
evan, just die , fucking arsecrawler of sk :)
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