lost love

i loved someone with all my heart. we hang out with eachother alot and we are always having the best time of our lives when we are together. but after a long and serious conversation i finally found the guts to tell her how i realy feel about her... and she told me that she doesnt like me the way i like her. i have NEVER EVER felt such pain...
i lost the girl i loved more than anything else in this world. she just told me that she felt like she was in a cage, because of her school problems, her parents and she always had to think of her ex-boyfriend, so she thought that she wasnt really ready for a new relationship...im just feeling really fucked up. i feel sorry for you mate, i know what a bad feeling that is.
im glad to hear that there is at least one person in this community that understand what im talking about. thnx
maybe even two ;)
0.o real shame but ... why here =?
you girls are meanies! :( ... well not all of you, but till now all of you broke my heart :'<
were not all bad just afew :) gl finding someone worth while, love is finding someone that doesnt just complement you but completes you.
ohnoes ;_( hahahahahahahah

np mate rly.

Just go find anohter - np!
Just remind of that love is just a biochemical process to keep alive ur species.
if think you would get alot girls with saying that! :O

brb trying it out
What's the point of telling this community that? No offence meant, it really stinks to encounter that (talking out of experience) but what was the purpose of this?
omg, I'm in a rather similar situation, only I don't have the guts to tell her. respect to you man for telling her, rly, i couldn't :<
Tell her. Do you really want to think next year, or in 5 years: "What if.. ?"
but I already know the answer since she's got boyfriend after boyfriend ^^
Naww, she's rly nice, but these guys keep treating here like a slut. I'd like to beat their fucking faces to 5000 pieces and feed em to wild dogs, but meh, can't get anything with her anyways (I mean, she's pretty, I'm... not ^^)
QuoteNaww, she's rly nice, but these guys keep treating here like a slut.

thats what girls love
haha, if one of them should be a cheater, you know what you have to do...you gotta go for the 10000 pieces then...PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH!!!

oh yeh, btw, when u need my adress n stuff when ur coming over with friends, just pm me, but plz give a date when you come, so I can arrange some stuff here ^^
girls are overrated
thats gonne be over someday u will find some other bitch she will destroy your life again or do even worse
life goes on and girls are shit just live with it
not really i wish i would be my life would be much easier 8D
and dont forget once youre a girls "friend" its over !
The sentence: "lets just be friends" is the little brother of "kk, gtfo nd fuck you"
fuck her. you will soon get over her and find a diff bird
man don't be sad. Thre are many other girls...
i know this feeling
do you see her each day in school or w/e? If yes i feel a bit pity for you :)
lol, crossfire is an emo comunity oh noes


I know how u (all) feel but live is to wonderfull to be sad... just go out and have fun... if u dont want to go out... have fun with us^^
I have experienced something similar.... it takes time but u will get over it :)
it's better to be born blind than loose sight.

this sentence fits here i think

imagine you had her and she dumped you anyway

now you even didnt had her

so that should ease the pain a bit

further we also have boozze drugs and prostitutes

and plz don't talk to her the next month you will only feel worse and maybe she starts to feel bad
i tried to not speak to my ex-girl after it was over...now i reached almost 6 months! :)

man that makes me feel good.. NOT!
didn't said it makes you feel good

but speaking to her and see her talking and smiling to other guys is worse :D

or getting a new friend asap on your university and run over your way everyday :((((
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